
What qualities a good mystery shopper should possess ?

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mystery shopping




  1. Mystery shopping is a method adopted by the management of a shop or company  to evaluate their own performance by sending hired byres with out the knowledge of the working staff. I think any one can do it. You have to apply to become a mystery shopper at the websites of these market research companies. They will then contact you if they have any assignment in your area. List of companies where you can apply free and  links to relevant websites available at

  2. Think about the service you are mystery shopping and what a 'normal' customers wants and needs would be and act accordingly bu don't be an awkward customer.  You won't get a true reflection then

  3. You must be able to put a lot of stuff into your pockets without being spotted. You should also be able to be able to bullshit yourself out of a situation!

    Doh! That's shop lifting!

  4. I've done some work for Mystery Guest. Important assets for that job are a good memory, attention to detail, good writing skills, and the ability to find the cheapest thing on the menu, because they barely pay enough to make it worthwhile. You have to remember to get names and descriptions of various people, do any extra checks the restaurant wants (like check the bathroom, ask about a certain menu item, etc.), and then creatively describe your dining experience in complete, grammatical sentences within 24 hours of your visit.

  5. To have patience answering the ridiculous questions after a visit.

  6. Remember not to look too obvious.  Probably best to use a concealed, silent recording device... probably not best to carry a notepad and write things...

  7. My boyfriend does some mystery shopping every now and then and says you have to have a good memory to remember everything you need to look for!  Its also time consuming afterwards filling out everything just to get a few quid for it!!

  8. They remember to take their staff ID badge off before going in to the shop.

  9. You have to be literate so that you can fill in the questionnaire.

    You have to be able to see both the good and the bad in each place that you visit.

    You have to be punctual with both your visits and your paperwork.

    You also have to behave in a normal/ average sort of way when conducting the survey as you do not want to be spotted.

  10. An eye for detail, good memory and to look like any normal person, you need to be able to complain or ask for things out of the ordinary!!

  11. Good observational skills. Good memory. Open mind.

  12. I've been doing some mystery shoppoing, and I would say the most important qualities are attention to detail because you have to remember names, times etc and reliability because a lot of the companies won't work with you again if you take an assignment and then back out.

  13. to look like an every day person

    not to look nervous and maybe come up with an unusual request so to see the staffs reaction!

  14. to know about the thing you are shopping for or to know the shop you are shopping in well

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