
What qualities do you need to work with mentally ill adults?

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Anybody with experience, advice for someone considering this profession would be greatly appreciated?




  1. You should be outgoing, not uptight, accepting, smart, and not judgemental.

  2. have worked with mentally ill adults and children for several years.

    You need patience and understanding, but as well as that, the ability to deal with extreme stress daily.  Depending on the illness, they people will have different needs, but many are extremely distressing.

    Eg, those with Dementia, saying the same thing over and over - I worked with a man for several mnths who repeated the same bigoted, racist views over and over...

    And another lady who was lovely, but had MS which caused her to be paralysed from the neck down. she had three teenage daughters who were always very distressed and she would cry daily because she felt she couldn't moter them properly.  And a lot of the time she was too weak to speak, so would just cry,

    A lot of the time, it is the family's way of acting which is the most distressing, either indifference or despair, and a lot of the job is comforting them.  But as well, there;s the sadness of seeing someone so sad or upset and there being little yu can do other than help with day to day things.

    But it is extremely rewarding, as you can allow the carers to have a break which they desperately need.  And they trust their loved ones with you entirely, and this is a huge responsibility.

    It's not something to go into lightly, and will never pay well, but if you have a caring nature and a lot of patience, you are sure to be very goodat it.  And unlike many jobs, you can see the difference you make every day.

    And, particularly if you get involved with social clubs for adults, there are a lot of fun times when you forget that you are even working! Perhps try voluntary work with such a group and see how it goes before commiting yourself?

  3. i work with adult with learning disabilities and have done for years

    i would say patience understanding and compassion and be non judgemental

  4. An understanding of mental ill health would be good, but if you don't have it, it will come with time. What you do need is tenacity, empathy, an ability to cope with the unexpected, calmness and limitless patience. You also need to be kind, caring, well organised and committed to respecting people with mental ill health as being as normal as anyone else. Remember, having an illness doesn't always mean there's something wrong with you

  5. Lots and lots of patience.  

  6. a lot of patience and a sence of humour to start with!

  7. I work with Mental Health in the administrative section and although my job is not to provide direct services to the clients, I do see them and interact with them on a daily basis. You have to be ready for the challenge, have patience out of this world, and let nothing and I mean nothing get to you. If you are easily offended, this is not the job for you. My office has a Social Rehab program for Mentally ill Adults, M to F, and every day is different and I must say Exciting. Best of Luck!

  8. An a half way there person.

  9. well i dont have experience, but i know you will need a lot of personal strength and patience.

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