
What qualities does a World Wonder need to have?

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What qualities does a World Wonder need to have?




  1. The qualities of a World Wonder must have the following: to wit;

    1. Natural Beauty

    2. Serenity

    3. Inspring

    4. Mesmerizing

    5. Ubntouched by humans

    Thanks for asking. Have a great day!

  2. it has to be magnificent and one of a kind.

    why are you thinking of building one? =]

  3. Tremendous amounts of slave labor?

  4. World Wonders, I believe, inspire awe, wonder, and amazement in the observer.

  5. Endurance.



  6. Herodotus, who is cited as being the very first known historian, was also the first to compile a list of what he considered to be the seven greatest man-made wonders of his time.  This was mimicked later by Antipater of Sidon, who made not just a list, but an extensive poem about the various wonders.  Herodotus' list is lost, but Antipater's still remains.  And considering that his 'time' was more than two thousand years ago, it is perhaps fortunate that even one is still standing today (the Pyramids at Giza). All the other ones he cited have since been destroyed by armies or time.

    The idea of 'seven wonders', however, was a pretty catchy one. So since Herodotus' time there have been dozens of people to compile lists of different kinds of wonders: wonders of the natural world, wondrous inventions, and even different lists of wondrous man-made structures (to fill out the list since so many were destroyed). Few of these accumulated anything like the previous list's authority.

    Since all these lists were drawn up with different standards, it would be fair to say that there really aren't any necessary qualities other than being the 'best' of whatever it is that's being considered.  And being 'wondrous', of course!

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