
What qualities does one need to be a good marketing professional?

by Guest65133  |  earlier

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What qualities does one need to be a good marketing professional?




  1. Read about ordinary people who have became successful entrepreneurs. They share advice on avoiding their mistakes and the techniques they used to build successful and growing companies. may provide you some useful information

  2. ignorance of the product / service being marketed is a prerequisite.  

  3. Professional are not born they become by experience.

    First never expect to be professional at 1st drive.

    Learn things by seniour and listen more talk less at first.

    Be proactive and talkkitive. Analize things and get ready with the answer for unexpected questions from customers.

    Be confident and give confidence to them. You words should work like an arrow. Hitting the stright to the target in no time. Use and speck words that the customer should trust you and no further question to ask.


    Sales is not a job its an ART. Its not asking or forcing the customer to buy somthing, its a service that you are providing.

    If you work following above two lines that will make you above the professional.

  4. I don't think there's a such thing as a "good" professional. Aren't all professionals good because they are pro?

    Anyways. Some qualities are confidence, risk-taking, and the rest depends on what you're doing. I suggest reading Wining by Jack Welch (Former CEO of GE).

  5. Good marketing profesional.

    ***** Belief in yourself.

    1) Excellent Communication skills ( presentation, as all the products need to presented in the user friendly way, & your presentation should have the capicity to reach the remote area as well be it within the office or be it in the country or internationally)

    2) Deep understanding of the project just like the palm of your hand.

    3) Dedication.

    4). zeal to go 1 step ahead

    5) Creative

    6) Analitical skills.

    7) Observation( which way/direction the tide is blowing)

    8) Oraganisational skill ( one should be a good plannner)

    one need not to be old or pro to be good at anything what matter is how you take it & how you approach it & how you make it happen.

    So keep your eyes & ears open & flow with the tide

    hope it helps.

  6. You need to be able to drive lots of targetted visitors [ traffic] to the product your marketing ;)

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