
What qualities make an excellent real estate agent, from a buyer or seller's point of view?

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What qualities make an excellent real estate agent, from a buyer or seller's point of view?




  1. He or She must be an A # 1 Bull S**T Artist.

    Most of them are, but that is the most important attribute.

  2. Well, from a sellers point of view, [which i will be soon] he must have a few good qualities, such as reliability, honesty, readily available to answer questions, and  to be able to communicate well with people. I hope i have such a person in mind.   You just have to go with your gut feeling, i guess.

  3. The ability to answer questions in a manner that is understandable. Honesty. To be able to solve the many problems that pop up. To know how to double check the appraiser and safety inspectors. To be really interested in what  the client has to say. To have the talent and know-how, to close a deal, and get through the escrow in a timely manner.

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