
What qualities should I look for in my military recruiter?

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I am planning on joining after college , but I dont feel comfortable after talking to the Navy and Air Force recruiter. After talking to them I feel as if they dont give a d**n.I was determined to join the Navy, but after sitting down and talking to my Army and Marine recruiters I feel more inclined to join those branches




  1. You should be more concerned in what qualities you possess that would make a recruiter want to help you.  Recruiters are doing all the screening and hiring from a pool of millions of malcontents, misfits and other little worm-like life forms.  You should be grateful if he recognizes some redeeming qualities in you enough to talk to you.  

  2. If you have Comcast ON DEMAND... right now there is an entire ON DEMAND show. It is an hour long and it answers just that question as you follow around the best recruiter for the Army in the WORLD! It shows everything he does for his recruits and why it makes him the best. It was amazing. Look for someone who is willing to help you succeed, not just be another number (they have quotas). Also someone who will get you physcially ready and mentally ready for Basic Training.

  3. You dont look for any qualities in your recruiter because they go to school to learn all the tricks..

    They will read you and that will dictate how they treat you..They will play you as they wish if you are unprepared as most recruits are..

    You might think your crafty and sneaky but the reality is that your getting played and falling for their tricks.

  4. There aren't really any "qualities" you look for in a recruiter.  It's hard to judge whether or not what they're saying is actually true.  I would talk to someone that's actually in the service you're interested in, not a recruiter because they will tell you anything to get you to join.  I joined the Army a few years ago because my recruiter told me they would pay back my existing student loans for me.  What he failed to mention was that they only help pay back Federal student loans, not Private.  I still owe around $24,000, so I kind of got screwed over there and I got a 6 year enlistment contract out of it, lol.  But my advice would be to just talk to some people that have been around the block for a while because they usually tell it exactly how it is.

  5. the truth is the army and marines are going to be WAY nicer to recruits because they need more soldiers desperately to send to iraq. The navy and air force arnt as hard core about recruiting because they know they will get people no matter what... why do you think you see army and marine commercials over anything else ;)

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