
What quantities of butter and milk you need to make cream?

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I've lost my book for making cream and wondered if anyone knew the quantities of butter and milk you need to make cream




  1. Never heard of that one, I always thought cows made milk and cream was the better or richer part of the milk and if you turn the milk around enough it makes butter.

  2. as far as i know once you separate the butter out of the cream you can go back. but i could be wrong.  

  3. 1

    If you're using raw milk, separate cream from milk by letting the milk sit for 12 to 24 hours in the refrigerator until the cream comes to the top of the milk. Use a large spoon or dipper to take the cream from the top of the milk.


    Let cream sit at room temperature until it is 60 degrees F.


    Pour cream into a quart jar and cover with a lid.


    Shake jar until globules of butter appear and most of the liquid has turned to a soft solid.


    Drain buttermilk from butter.


    Add cool water to jar and shake gently.


    Place cheesecloth over top of jar and drain.


    Rinse butter until liquid poured off is clear. If buttermilk is left in butter, it will give it a sour taste and cause the butter to spoil more quickly.


    Dump butter onto a cool surface, such as a marble or wood cutting board.


    Squeeze liquid from butter using wooden paddles or spoons to smash butter and pour off liquid.


    Add 1/4 tsp. to 1/2 tsp. of salt as you are mixing butter.


    Shape butter or place in bowls with a lid and store in refrigerator. Store excess in freezer.  

  4. You don't make cream out of butter and milk. Butter is a product of cream.

    You need to just go buy some.

  5. Cream is the butterfat in milk.

    Separate cream out from milk and that's how you make butter.

    You can't make cream.

  6. I thought that you needed milk and cream to make butter?!?

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