
What question can i ask the job interviewer?

by  |  earlier

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Its for administration job.

I dont want to ask question like

"how much will i be getting"

"number of holiday"

"company schemes such as pension, childcare vouchers"

"job details"

as all the details have been sent to me about them.

and it will look stupid if i ask these question, and they'll probably say have you not read the job description.

any good questions i can ask them?

thanks for your time




  1. Why did the person I am replacing leave?

    What promotion opportunities are there?

    How much supervision can I expect?

    How many people in my department?

  2. You could ask about training and promotion prospects...shows you aren't afraid to learn new things and that you want to grow and stay with the company for a while

  3. At the last interview I had, I asked the following questions:

    What do you see as the immediate challenges for me if I were to be given the job?

    What are the initial priorities of the position?

    What are the dynamics like in the Team ie do they work well as a team, do people go off on different tangents etc?

    I found the they gave the interviewer the chance to be more open about the actual position and what she was looking for me to do.  It led to a more relaxed two-way conversation.  

    I didn't get the job but after asking the questions, I didn't want it anyway!  

    Good luck with your interview.

  4. Ask something like what training will be available to you i.e job related NVQ or anything similar - asking anything like this makes it look as if you are thinking of staying in the job longterm + want to improve your skills etc etc.

    Goodluck :)

    Edit ... Tweet beat me by 22 seconds. Great minds think alike lol

  5. Where do you see yourself in five years' time?

  6. Do your homework on this company.  Look for growth indicators, etc.  Your employment is your personal investment in this company.  

    Look closely at the job duties - try to design at least 2 questions about the specific duties you are applying for.  

    Be engaged.  This is interview is not a one-way conversation.  You aren't there to just "repeat" your resume.  Be interested enough in the company to want to know more, now.

    Good luck

    Be on time, dress professionally, take notes, make eye contact...

  7. What kind of experience or background do the other people in the team have?

    Are there any qualifications I can obtain whilst working and will the company help with this?

  8. What opportunities will you have to grow (i.e. what is the logical career path of the current position your applying for)? ... you don't want to end up in a dead-end job!!!!!!!!

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