
What question u find it hard to answer?

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What question u find it hard to answer?




  1. the ones that ask stupid things?

  2. Okaaaaaaaaaaay...  :/

  3. "What is the meaning of life?"

    This is the most asked question in any internet forum, and the most

    difficult to answer.

    One needs to understand philosophy and think philosophically to

    get an answer to it for his own self.

  4. this one

  5. the one where its like do you look the same in the mirror to what other people see you as?

  6. If ther is a God, why does "He" allow so much suffering?

  7. Ones I don't understand because whoever wrote it can't spell or doesn't know how to put a sentence together so it makes sense.

  8. maths x

  9. i dont like being asked what i do for a living

  10. The Question You Just Asked.  

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