
What questions can a student expect when he/she is about to have an interview with the us consulate officers?

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What kind of questions should they be expecting if they're applying for student visa?

would they be asking questions like..why did u choose this university? or what made u choose this college and not the other one?

what do they observe in a candidate? his posture? body language? could u give me some details..

what kind of answers do they expect from the candidate




  1. The most important question is this - how much money do you have?

    Because you MUST have enough money to pay all the tution fees and support yourself during the entire course. You dont need to have that money on you, but you do need to have access to it.

    as long as you have been accepted to one university, I dont think they would ask you why you chose that one.

    just tell the truth and you should be ok.

  2. They expect truthful answers to their questions. Look, the questions that they ask are not rocket science. Just be yourself and don't waste time thinking about things such as body language. You know the reason(s) that you chose the school that you are going to and therefore, should be able to answer anything about the school. If questions center around your life, family or interests, you know the answers to these also.

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