
What questions do I ask when interveiwing a place to board my horse?

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What questions do I ask when interveiwing a place to board my horse?




  1. 1. Do you board horses?

  2. why the long face?

  3. feed schedule?

    stable cleaning schedule?

    visiting hours?

    what are they feed?...hay, horse food, veggies, treats ?

    where are they kept? the stable all the time?

    is there open fields for them to roam around?

    how often is their water dish filled/cleaned?

    is there someone to take them out and ride them? if so, how often?

    who is their vet and how often does he check up?

    ever been accused/proved by the ASPCA  of abuse/neglect any type of animals?

    do they need to be certified?

  4. 1) are they sepperated from other horses all the time (depending on you want and your horse's behavior.  he might be aggressive or nice and sociable with other horses)

    2) how big are the stalls

    3) are there locks on the stalls

    4) is there security/watching on the horses and how often

  5. The most important thing is to look around.

    Look closely at the condition of the horses already there.  Look at the stalls, examine the hay, look at the facilities.

    Look at the people there - if they seem happy and companionable, that's good, but if they seem cranky and unhappy I wouldn't consider it.

    You can learn a lot more with your eyes.  People don't always tell the truth.

  6. What are the others horse like in your facilities? I don't want my horse to be hanging arround with the wrong types of horses.

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