
What questions should I ask that dig up the past?

by  |  earlier

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I always feel so shallow when I talk to him, cause I want to know some about his past, but I really don't know what to say.

But not just his past, but anything about him and his thoughs but I don't know the right questions.


I can ask him anything.. I just dont know what................ UHG!




  1. "Let's do the ex's count/comparison..." - if you dare!

  2. Dont ask questions about his past. What happened before you is none of your business

  3. Ask him what a secret is from his past. . I think its better to not talk about one another's past and better to focus on the future. .

  4. hopefully this guy like you a lot and as such I would not delve into his past unless he delves into mine, then we are open season. I have been married ten years, hubby wanted to know he asked and I told. I keep no secrets, yet he knows which questions he wants the answer to. Sometimes it is best to leave things alone especially if they do not pertain to you. If it does then ask away. Just do it. I would not though. Just me. Two cents and all.

  5. take it from someone who has had experience with this sort of thing. sometimes, the past is best left in the past. i was like you. i wanted to know things about my mans past. now, i wish i had never asked. a lot of ghosts can be let out. be careful :)

    just come straight out and ask. im not sure what you are wanting to know, so, i cant advise you on what to ask :) just be careful

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