
What questions should a home daycare provider ask?

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During the initial interview with the parents, what types of questions should the home daycare provider be asking?




  1. allergies

    favorite foods

    emergency numbers

    food dislikes

    favorite games

    any medicines


    potty trained

    hows do the interact with other kids

  2. how do they discipline the children? and if they have cameras, if so can you see any (you pick a video not them)? can you see the rest of the house?  (you want to see what your child is going to be exposed to) kitchen, bathroom, and playroom main concerns . look if you see any chemicals or any hazardous objects @ child's reach.

  3. When I do the initial interview I have a folder with all the required paperwork.  On one side are the policies (child I go through with the parents) and on the other side are things they need to fill out or sign including allergy forms and etc.

    Informal questions:

    * Has your child been in some type of child care before?  (Encourage them to expand on this because some may have been with Grandparents for the first 2 years and YIKES! No offense to grandparents :-) But there is a difference in what they come to us with!)

    * Does your child have a specific "comfort" when they are upset...which could be an activity or a stuffed animal/blanket.

    * How does your child handle nap time?  (Please remember that if you enforce nap time... this does not mean you are going to say Okay, your child does not have to nap...if the parent says they don't.  Play it by ear...because more often than not...these are the kids that NEED a nap and when you are in a routine and all their peers are going down...they will too.  This question just gives you a "heads-up").

    * A question about their schedule will probably be brought up in the "required" paperwork.

    * Who lives at home with your child?  If this is a divorce or single parent situation...have then tell you a bit about when and where the child resides.

    * If this is a parent who is teacher...discuss vacations and summers.

    * Ask the parents what they would like to see or what they would like their child to learn.  Very eye opening!

    Good luck!

  4. Well, routines, potty trained, likes or dislikes favorite thing to do (it also helps when you plan activities too know these things) do they take naps, allergies, etc.

  5. the likes and dislikes of the child, allergies, special needs, rules that the parents have set for the child, what they expect from the you, what you can expect from them, all these are good things to know so you can decide if the child is a good match for you and you are a good match for them i once watched a kid whos parents didnt believe in using the mirror for some strange reason and they didnt tell me he had fun oops plus you dont want to wind up getting a child whos parents are to strike or to relaxed and the kid is a terror you got to get to know up front what everyone expects because now a days parents are getting way picky about who they leave their kids with and you dont want to do anything to make a bad situation for yourself

  6. they should ask things like

    -the kids medical problems


    -kids favorite activitys




    you know,the basics

  7. Here is an article that should more than answer your question. Hope it helps:

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