
What questions whould I ask during Dead Hour (like in Ghost Hunters or Paranormal State) ?

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Dead Hour is 3 in the morning when ghosts are most active. It has other names as well but I cannot think of them. As for the questions that you ask any spirits in the building I would like anything save for the obvious such as "What is your name?" "How many spirits are there?" "Can we help you in any way?" etc.




  1. Just ask the things you want to know about. Sometimes it grows from that into full -blown conversations.

    Just be careful with communicating with them, because sometimes, they gain power because your talking to them , or you might open some sort of gateway where negative things can get in.

    Its not a bad idea to cleanse the area before trying to communicate with them just incase there is anything waiting around for you.

    (Dont use a Quijja Board EVER!)  

    They are bad, the channel is too broad and you will almost positively allow negative or malevolent spirits through.  : )

  2. What is your name spirit.Did you die in this house spirit .How long have you been in this house spirit.What part of the house are  you in the most spirit.The spirit would proberly then reply.Stop calling me spirit.

  3. I agree with the 3AM thing being BS. I look at it from a more biblical account. I do not believe that spirits are bound by current laws like we have as physical beings. THis is why you have so many people on here that rather make fun of you when they could be spending better time talking about things they like rather than acting like a 2 year old and putting down your question. Dont worry though, there problem is they cant think outside there own little box. If it cant fit into the small ammount of scientific knowlage they know, then it cant happen. :) Spiritual entities defy physics, this is why they can apear to us in a somwhat solid form and make physical contact, they also dont have the same physical emotions or feelings which show that they are in a dimention of there own. I would say not bound by time because it is a look into eternity. Eternity cannot be comprehended by the human mind hence the "crutch" being that if it isnt explained by science it isnt real. People fear what they dont understand

    And like all skeptics who never thought things like this to be real, once they encounter it, then they have the pleasure of explaining to others who were once like them that what happened indeed was real.

  4. If spirits existed and I could communicate with them, I would ask them their full name, date of birth, date of death, cause of death, relatives still alive, etc.  I would be as specific as possible so the answers given could be verified.

    The "dead hour" is a canard, invented and believed in by superstitious people.  The reason people report more paranormal activity in the middle of the night is because they are unable to see as well and because often times they have just been awoken.

  5. I would ask the ghost to sing me to sleep.

  6. Why am I here and why ain't i asleep?

  7. I'd like Ghost Hunters to keep quiet.  EVP without envolvement.  If they enter a place and announce themselves, then stop saying "Did you hear that?"  And then an EVP can be heard for what it is.

  8. Personally, I'd be very curious to know how they tell the time so that they know it's 3 am.  Do they have spirit clocks?

  9. Well if you are just standing round in a dark room, we ask things like "can you make us a wear of your presence by making a knocking sound, moving an object or showing a light please, we mean you no harm etcetc"

    unless you have evp equipment it is useless asking question that exceed the yes and no limit.

    glass divination is the best option, no Ouija board needed unless you want one, just place the glass on a surface, finger on top, ask away....move for yes....still for no etc.

  10. Yes that time is very hot for them. I seen them at five in the morning and around midnight as well. But usually around 3am.

    What's your name?

    Can you say, Jesus Christ?

    Are you an angel or my spirit guide?

    Are you a loved one?

    Sometimes I am just to tired, just tell them when they are done with the blanket to," Please put it back the way you found it, when done with your games"?

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