
What questions would be good to ask a science teacher in an interview?

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We have to do an interview of a scientist and I don't know what to ask to the scientist/science teacher. Thanks a bunch!




  1. Hi.

    First, you have to decide the topic/theme of your conversation, what will you talk about. This will be the body of your conversation. Before the main part of the interview, ask him "easy" questions, like his student-days, his reasons for studying on certain faculties, differences of education between today and in his time, and so on. When preparing the interview, read some of his articles in scientific journals and parts of his books. After that read on the internet or somewhere else about controversy about articles and books mentioned above. This will give a specific touch to your interview due to the teacher will more interested and will give more interesting information. He will be under the impression that you are competent to talk about certain topic, so he will not spare on emotions, impressions, time and additional information. Your interview will be untenable and unstressed, your it will be a spontaneous speech. So you will accomplish all conditions necessary for a good interview!

    Good Luck!

  2. woah we go thorugh an initial phoen screen -  for about 1/2  hr

    get them to teach by pullig nin a group of kids even on vacation

    then we do a 2hr behavioral interview= response to certain scenarios and the interviews reaction to them .

    there should be  some out there on the web

    do a n outline of a mock lesson plan- how do they plan-

    most importantly are they coachable!!!!

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