
What questions would you ask these children about this sighting?

by Guest62074  |  earlier

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This video is less than 4 minutes long. They talk to children who claim to have seen a spacecraft and aliens.




  1. Not much more than has been asked. However, I'd want to get them all separate and look at both the similarities and differences between that encounter and a staged encounter with the president of the country who came to a visit. By comparing their witnessed encounters with unwitnessed encounters, we can see if there is a difference. It's too late for the 1994 encounter to be validated, but perhaps we can look at more recent sightings. I would also want a full psychology workup, including personality profiling and general mental health indices.

    I would want to measure electromagnetic fields, air quality and composition, oxygen levels, etc., to see if there might have been another explanation.

    Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle said it best: "When you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth." And the truth is, these kids saw something, but we don't know what it was, or if it was the product of another phenomenon.

  2. while the idea of mass delusion is interesting you have to take into account that its pretty hard for a group of children to lie without someone spilling the beans. I would have asked if this has anything to do with 2012. whatever your belief is on the matter its hard to not notice changes that have been predicted by many mediums. also for young children to have such an impending doom is kind of interesting.

  3. what have you been smoking?


  5. OMG! I have no clue but that is freaky!!

  6. I don't know. But we are very arrogant to think that we are the only life in this vast universe. If we are here, why can't there be others out there?

  7. Don't get me wrong, because I do agree with their message that our technology is getting ahead of us, but I do have just one question for those 62 children...  

    Why weren't there any adults with you?  

    The story seems made up to me, still a good message.

  8. tell them we are not the only life  there are other planets we do not see that have life

  9. how do the look like

  10. I found it odd at the end that when the guy asks a girl what she would say to someone who told her she imagined it, her reply is "I have not been influenced by my friends".  Why would she go directly to that?  A nonobvious implication; if she imagined it, then they would have had to influence each other to come up with the same story.  That is pretty fast for some kid to come up with on the fly without coaching.  The normal response would be flat rejection, "I did not imagine it, I know what happened to me, I was there", that kind of thing.  I would ask these kids about other antitechnology/environmental influences in their lives, such as teachers or prominent members of the community, and see if there is some connection to that.

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