
What qulifacations would i need to become a pilot?

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i am 14 and i want to know how to become a pilot as i love to travel and i like planes since i ever frist took a ride on one




  1. good spelling would be good

  2. try some of these

  3. the required qualification for pilot is age of 17

    so wait 3 yrs and may be till then lot of rules changes

  4. In the US:

    No minimum age to begin training.

    No minimum age to take written examinations.

    Minimum age to become Private Pilot--Glider is 16.

    Minimum age to become Private Pilot--Airplane is 17.

  5. You can start taking flight training right away, and you can take your written exams after you turn 16 but they are not valid until you turn 18 (the tests are good for 2 years and you cant receive a license until you are 18).

    It takes 75 hours on average to get a private license. From there you get your instrument rating which people usually get around 125-150hrs, and from there you get your commercial usually along with the high power and advanced rating, which usually takes about 250 hours total time. You can then get multi engine commercial, and some CFI ratings. Once you get about 500 hours then youll be ready to get a entry level job, and dont expect anything awesome, something that pays about $15-20k a year is normal. That barely enough to live independently, especially if you have loans. After about 2 years, the pay goes up greatly, usually about doubling, and within about 5 years and 3000 hours you are making a good deal of money. Dont count on getting close to a 6 figure paycheck until you have 8-10k hours. The great thing is that you arent allowed to work over 1000 hours a year, or 100 a month. Its like 1/3 of a job time wise, but then again, you dont get time to s***w off or get breaks.

  6. The main thing you need to give your attention to right now is just doing a good job of the tasks that are on your plate today.  You will be old enough to consider the technical details of your training and career development sooner than you think.

    Right now, concentrate on being a person of good character and achievement.  Stay out of trouble:  no drugs, no alcohol, no trouble with the law like stealing or assault.  A reputation as a person of good character and social skills will work in your favor.

    Take the courses you want to take, and talk it over with your school guidance counselor and your family.  Make sure you do well in mathematics and sciences, and also spend some time on civics and government, and also on geography.  A professional pilot has to have a really good understanding of law and regulations, and has to know where things are around the planet.

    At the same time, do well in some physical pursuit.  You can't be a couch potato.  Do okay in Phys Ed, and find a personal sport that will help you develop strength and coordination.  This is important.

    Also, read everything you can get your hands on about airplanes and aviation.  The more detailed knowledge you have, the easier it will be for you to learn the things you need to know to pass your aviation tests when the time comes.  Spend time in the library and read all the books and magazines about aviation and related subjects.

    If you want to go by way of the military (and that's the most certain way of getting into the flight deck of an airliner), see your Air Force, Navy, or Marine Corps recruiter.  You can go to see them any time, even at age 14.  Your recruiter will advise you what college to go to and what to major in to maximize your chances of getting into military flight training.

    When you are about 17, find the nearest flight school and go talk to the instructors.  Sign up for an introductory flight, and see what it feels like to fly a real airplane.  Do it that way, and avoid computerized flight simulators like FSX.  The simulators will teach you bad habits and give you a mistaken impression of what it's like to fly a real airplane.  Get some experience in the real thing before you mess with simulators.  This is important.

    Get your private pilot certificate as soon as you can.  It will get you a head start on whatever additional training you need, either civilian or military.

    Good luck, and have fun!

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