
What "Americanism" annoys you? MINE IS "ITS AWESOME".?

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What "Americanism" annoys you? MINE IS "ITS AWESOME".?




  1. one word,


  2. Like I was like like, i mean like, I was totally like..... Ugh!

  3. Mine is HAVE A NICE DAY.  You usually get this comment from someone who has fleeced you in an unscrupulous deal. They don't even mean it.

  4. I hate that people say 'I'll write you' or 'write me.' Makes no sense and winds me up. Also that Maths is called Math!  

  5. OMG oh my God,I hate that.

  6. Having to be politically correct in everything that you do, say, feel, hear and see because if you're not "PC" then someone will slap a lawsuit on you. Ridiculous.

    -Later Gator-

  7. "my bad"

    uggg that is so lame :(

  8. I can understand your annoyance with "its awesome"...It's one of these phrases that is so overworked that it has lost its punch.  I don't know if you can count this as an "Americanism" since I live in Canada, but the phrase I can't stand is "No problem" as a substitute for "you're welcome".  For example, you thank a clerk in a store after a transaction that is part of their job and they say "no problem"

    Oh yes, and another bugaboo is "like" used as a filler.  It's bad enough to hear teenagers with this sloppy speech habit but you now hear it from supposedly older, more mature people.

  9. american teens who put the word "much" behind everything they say like its a question.


    stupid much

    ignorant much

    retarded much

  10. "Get 'er done" and "Cowboy up"

  11. like totally  

  12. "It's all good"  I hate that more than anything!

  13. "Cautiously optimistic" makes me cringe!

  14. At the end of a sentence...NOT! I thought the movie was fantastic...NOT! EI YI YI! Drives me up a wall!

    EDIT: TOM S, in USA, they are FRIES. In UK, chips. IN USA chips are potato chips, in UK crisps. Just cultural differences. In USA, hood (car), in UK, bonnet.

  15. Not any  

  16. It's like so amazing, Yahall!

  17. Misusing "you know", "like" and other words as if they were commas.

  18. WTF, or verbalising the acronym LOL.

  19. random, awesome , too

  20. Hi I don't think Awesome is an Americanism but  it is annoying nonetheless. I hate everything american. Its just c**p. Could be here all night stating the whys and wherefores but cant be arsed. No disrespect dude ;-)

  21. It not the americanisms that annoy me,but thick english people that instantly start using the words and it sounds twice as bad if not said in an american accent,A lot of English Asians use the word "man" in every other sentence.How about "state of the art" to mean up to date.Why do we in England copy such a daft and useless expression.Why all of a sudden use the term "best in show" instead of winner etc etc.No don't blame the yanks,it's us that are pathetic

  22. My Bad

  23. I'm an American and I'd like to see, "heLLOooo" die a violent nasty painful death.  It just runs right up the spine, Joan Rivers said that 30 years ago and it's been a cancer in American speech ever since.  


    Yo, yo, yo, whassup?  and I hate, Ax.  "Can I ax you something?"  THREE LETTERS!  The word is ASK!  It's not that hard to say it properly, no need to rearrange the letters.

    You guys forgot one I KNOW you hate with a passion:  "How are you doing?"  Actually pronounced, "How ya doo'n."  Then we look at our watches and pretend we're late for something.


    some use the word LIKE too much

    or BAMMMM


  26. Having to be politically correct is what annoys me.

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