
What -- "NATO said it accidentally killed three children?"?

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Carelessly firing they 'accidentally' fired into a residential structure with harmless civilians. Do they even train soldiers to NOT be careless?

Sounds to me like they are trigger happy if you read the article.




  1. It was an artillery strike, since when are they 100% accurate?

    Trigger happy my as, you probably don't even know what that means.

    "It said NATO forces fired the rounds after insurgents attacked its patrol in Gayan district of Paktika province"

    It seems like they have a reason to fire

  2. Nato has no business in Afghanistan and until they leave this will continue - and yes you're right it is a crime for which POLITICIANS not soldiers should be punished.

    Having said that looking at the posters here you'd think that soidiers massacring civilians in foreign countries they have no right to be in was perfectly ok. I'd like to see their faces if the Afghan army was waltzing around California firing off automatic rounds and killing kids.

    What goes around comes around.

  3. In a war, there are lots of tragic accidents because they do happen.  Does it excuse what happened? NO!! Absolutely Not!!  To accuse soldiers of being trigger happy from this incident would be unfair.  Unless you have walked a mile in these soldiers shoes, it is best to keep your pejorative opinions to yourself.

  4. That's terrible! But it doesn't surprise me. The military views civilians as disposable... just "collateral damage".

  5. The first war where people expect there to be no civilian casualties.

    Utter nonsense.  They succeed in having fewer civilian casualties than ever before in history and they're condemned for the few they have.

    What utter political bigotry.

  6. You've obviously never had to deal with the "Fog of War."  If you had, you would understand why incidents such as this take place.

    The US and NATO have made significant improvements in avoiding collateral damage and the death of innocent civilians.  However in wartime it will never be possible to eradicate this evil.  

    I don't hear you griping about how many innocent German civilians were killed in the Allied bombing raids over Germany or the innocent civilians killed in many European countries as a result of our fight against Nazism.  There were hundreds of thousands -- and probably even millions -- of innocent casualties of that war.  At least modern military weaponry and doctrine reduces the collateral damage to much lesser numbers.

    Sherman said, "War is h**l," and for many very good reasons.  This is but one of them.  And don't forget that the b******s we're dealing with over there are not above taking the victims' bodies of their OWN attacks and piling them up at the site of an allied attack and then pointing their fingers at us as the guilty party.  There have been numerous documented cases of exactly that tactic.  Why are you not howling about THAT injustice??

  7. And I suppose it's just fine and dandy that extremist deliberately target those same harmless civilians?

    Please apply the same standard of judgment to those who want to do you harm as opposed to just belittling those who protect you.

    Unless of course, you yourself symapthize with the extremists.

  8. I'm pretty sure they neglected to mention the insurgents who use those same civilians as human shields to prevent us from shooting them or who "accidentally" blow up a family with an IED while trying to hit a US convoy.  We have a lot less collateral damage than previous conflicts and we treat captured combatants humanely (the ones who abuse them get court-martialed) but people act like if even one person dies we slaughtered the whole country on purpose.

    Yes, you have the right to post your opinion and we have the right to disagree with it.  If you want to get mad because we didn't tell you what you want to hear (all US troops are trigger-happy murderers or something similar) then that is your problem.  The reality is we were attacked, the attackers ran and hid, and innocent civilians they hid behind were killed in the crossfire.  There was nobody being trigger-happy in that situation.

  9.   It sounds to me that you are uninformed and naive  when it comes to the tactics of the Taliban, Hezbollah, al Qaeda, and all the other ruthless swine who will deliberately start fire fights among civilian populations in hopes their adversaries will return fire, thereby causing collateral damage.

    These are cowardly dogs who have no regard for the civilians they use as fodder, just to make their enemy look bad and alienate the people against them.

    Keep writing your foolish dribble and keep aiding and abetting the enemy.  Every dog has it's day !

  10. Post your source before your rant. Do you think Al Qadea and the Taliban care so much and have blogs about their mishaps? Oh wait, no, they target civilians on purpose!

    People love to blame democracy for the ills of the world yet we don't fight each other.


    It said NATO forces fired the rounds after insurgents attacked its patrol in Gayan district of Paktika province and one of the rounds hit a house, killing three children and injuring seven civilians.

    You forgot to mention ALL THAT. So make it seem like it was on purpose. If your Team Taliban bros didn't hide in villages just like they did when I was there fighting them, we would have this problem. Same thing as in Korea and Vietnam.

  11. i see no mention of them firing carelessly firing anywhere.  

  12. It is a shame, but that is just one of the facts of war. In war there are always civilian casualties or friendly fire. In vietnam the vietcong strapped bombs on infants backs' and they would blow up killing our soldiers. Collateral damage is horrible but it happens.

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