
What "age" do you consider us to be living in? i.e. The Age of Enlightenment, The Golden Age, etc.?

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Other than the "Age of Technology", what would you consider the age we are living in to be referred to? Please explain, (:




  1. The Age of Deception

    The Age of Chaos

    The Age of Destruction

    There are many others. Take your pick.

  2. "The Information Age"  This is a term which I have heard used in the news alot.  Information is very accessible through the internet.

  3. 'The age of reason' product = nihilism, the appearance that life is meaningless.

    as Shakespeare warned in Hamlet 'conscience [thinking about things too deeply] does make cowards of us all.

    and Sartre stated the only way is too act spontaneously on impulse or fall fate of an action paralysing absurdity.

    the more you know the less you do (information age)?

    Lets hope it's short lived.

  4. post-industrial/information age

  5. It's been the space age since the late 50s.

  6. Aquarius, ?

  7. The Age of Globalization

  8. Age of Stupidity

  9. Digital Age. seems correct wouldnt you say

  10. As a historian, I find that is artificial and unproductive to label a period of time somekind of "age." History and culture is much to complex for that. Any label you cook up is not going to apply to everyone everywhere. It is really not the age of anything, it is just an age.

  11. the age of its not my problem

  12. The Age of Repetitiveness

    think about it. so many things have been so repetitive lately.  it's an overused word in my vocabulary. ESPECiALLY REFERRiNG TO MUSiC .. oh my GOD! soulja boy up in this ho. soulja boy soulja boy soulja boy OH MY GOD I HATE THAT SONG!!!

    but not just in music. many other things too.

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