
What "extra", "preventative" things do you do to keep your baby safe?

by Guest58403  |  earlier

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My hubby has been at a business conference this weekend and because of car trouble on the way home is arriving home by a shuttle bus at 2:45am tonight (tomorrow...?). The shuttle is dropping him of at a hotel about 2.5 miles from our house. We live in more or less the middle of nowhere, so the entire trip for me to pick him up and bring him home would be less than 20 minutes.

My 17 month old sleeps pretty steadily for 11 hours straight at night and I know that he would be fine if I just left him sleeping in bed while I ran to pick up his dad. Of course I'm taking him with me because of all of the "what ifs", but really it would be so much easier to just leave him nice and comfy and warm sleeping in his bed.

So, what things do you do, silly or practical, to protect your baby/babies from all of the possible dangers of the world?




  1. i never really thought about this.  well, my baby is 5 months. so far i have never let him ride in a car without me!!  that's just me being a worryfull mommy though.. lol.  

  2. Several years ago it would have been nothing to leave your child in bed while you ran out to the neighbors to grab some sugar or out the fields to work.  People nowdays just cannot be trusted.  It is easier for me because we live in a rural, isolated area so I do leave Emma in the house alone to go to the garden...I take her baby monitor with me even though no one could possibly get into the house without coming right past me.  About the only extra precaution I take is I bought a safety latch for the doors underneath the TV after she mashed her fingers in the.

  3. Well, my boyfriend checks the ozone level/warning/alert/whatever-it's-called on the Weather Channel before taking our baby outside, and it drives me absolutely batty.

    We have also cut out bathtime completely, and stripped them of the joys of swimming, since learning of the dangers of dihydrogen oxide.

    So that, and we try to keep them away from open flame, electrical sockets, raw sewage, things like that...but you know how kids are these days.

  4. bolt the tv, dressers, tv stands, armoirs, and desks to the wall.

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