
What "extras" do you foresee during the Dem. Conven.?

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OK, boys and girls,

Take out your crystal balls, Ouija boards, or dowsing rods and tell us what will be going on "behind the scenes." (Or IN the scenes.)

Riots? Demonstrations? Police intervention? Bomb squad? Hearts and flowers? Religious communities saying their "thing?" Any aberrant group behaviors?

Any thing that is not the norm. Whatever that is?




  1. Nah...just boring Conservative protests near the convention site, I predict.  I am excited about the musical talent lineup for the Dem. convention though, that should be the real fun part.  Look for the real juicy stuff to happen near the Republican convention as the Liberals know how to put on a real protest.  Cracking up at your comment about the aberrant group behavior......I hope we can get some entertainment out of this.

  2. Once the dems get all their protest groups together, Code Pink, Cindy Sheehan, Free Palestine, and all the chanting from Obama's supporters start in with people fainting all over the place and people screaming about America's chickens coming home to roost, it will be quite a show.

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