
What "rights" does feminism deny men?

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Please try to really explain. Assertions are words. Anyone can put words together. The sun danced murky. See? Try to actually make sense and back yourself up. Thanks and good luck.




  1. Freedom of speech.

  2. I am not going to waste my time, 3rd wave feminism robbed men of many of their basic rights as humans.

    No brainer.

  3. Access to a a woman who shaves her body hair.

  4. uh... exclusive-drilling rights?

  5. Equal rights.  The right to see our children, equal job opportunities, freedom of speech, equal education, equal protection under the laws, etc.  The right for boys to see their fathers and be treated fairly.  

    Hmm isn't the above what the original feminists fought for?  Most Western Civ. men do not rape or hate women.  We just want equal rights.

  6. It doesn't deny men any rights. Feminism is about the fact that women should be treated 100% equally to men. Same pay, same opportunity to play sports and get any job a man can, etc.

    The problem is that people often twist the purpose of feminism around to make it seem like feminists are man-haters and that they want to rule the world. That is NOT true. I am a feminist and I HATE commercials on TV that make men look like babbling idiots and make it look like women have all the brains.

    Feminism is simply about equality. Nothing more and nothing less.

  7. I can't think of any rights that feminism denies men. It does the opposite - it HELPS men because when women are treated as equals, men don't have to feel pressured to be the "bigger" of the two sexes.  

  8. the right to some quiet time away from bragging from empty barrels

  9. Firstly you gotta understand equality is just a gauge for when things are equal it isn't a reason.

    Men and women do not have equal rights under law but maybe that's equitable (fair)

    For example the VAWA is CLEARLY unequal. Don't even bother trying to deny it. The excuses are pathetic and that there are individuals who keep making them just shows how they aren't convinced of its rightness. But still it could be fair that the act exists since men are more physically capable of harming women than women are men. Violence is unacceptable but it is a reality.

    So to simply answer your question you do deny men rights, but if you can prove its fair to then I don't have a problem with that

  10. the right to pay for -s*x-as a  service  

  11. the right to be honest about their feelings towards women. if a man were to comment on a girl's appearance, he would be labeled a sexist pig. If a man were to rant about the way he was treated badly by a woman, he'd be labeled a selfish woman hater. But a feminist feels it's okay to place those labels on men without accepting that they are sometimes at fault too, and that women are just as imperfect as men

  12. none...feminism is not trying to put men down its trying to bring women up to the same level of men...for instance its trying to make it so women earn the same amount for the same job as men as opposed t the 75 cents to every dollar they earn now

    p.s. society starting hundreds of years ago has done so much damage to women (marrying them off, burning them, chopping their heads off if they didnt concieve a male heir *cough*King Henry*cough* and then theirs of course the witch trials, the burning of a wife in India if her husband dies, etc. etc. i could go on forever [not all history seems against women but their seems to be a definite line of women being inferior]..) that any small offenses men feel have been done to them are not even worth whining about. not that ive heard any negative thing happen to men in general caused by the feminist movement besides them feeling less superior

  13. total confusion

  14. the "right" to beat a woman without her telling

    the "right" to completely and emotionally control her

    the "right" to not care for her but have her do a guys every wish

    the "right" to be socially superior to her

  15. I can't believe I'm saying this, but Dsds actually has a good answer.  The world really is coming to an end.

    Anyway, most rights aren't disappearing, at least on paper.  However, all the talk about fathers losing the ability to see their kids after a divorce has a lot of truth to it.  I have heard of many stories about that.  There was that Rockefeller guy who ran off with his daughter and sparked a massive manhunt.  I know second-hand of two stories where women took their kids from the fathers-who by visitation orders had control over the kids at the time in each case- and ran off with them.  Want to guess their punishments?  Well, in one case the woman sued the man and got MORE CHILD SUPPORT (caps for emphasis).  The other woman got a warning I believe.  Yeah, we have equality when it comes to parenting.

    Also, men have few rights when it comes to being accused of s*x crimes.  It's hard to even defend yourself.  One of my biggest fears in life is being accused of rape or sexual assault because the entire deck is stacked against you.

  16. None.

  17. DSD: if you are American then tell me exactly how the links you've posted affect your rights as a man and I'll debate you.

    Otherwise it just proves you've googled it and found as many links as you could.

    Spewing information doesn't mean you understand it.

    With regards to India the only reason women cannot be perpetrators of  Domestic violence is because they are portrayed as powerless objects by the men who write such Laws.

    If you had even an ounce of knowledge of what life was like for the average Indian woman in Rural India you would be ashamed for suggesting that they had it better than men.

    Here many women have no right to education.

    They are seen in Indian law as the property of their father or their husband.

    Girls as young 12 year old girl can be forced to have s*x against there will.

    Female circumcision is very frequent.

    And they are denied the right to hold property.

    To say feminism is having an adverse affect on women in India shows your ignorance on the topic.

    Speaking for my country the only issue which adversely affects men is the right to have equal access to raising children in a family were parents are separated.

    These laws and outdated sexist modes of thinking (that it is the mothers role alone to care for children) need to be changed.  But this is a feminist issue.

  18. It robbed them of the right to rape and abuse their wives without punishment. That's the only loss of men's rights that can be directly attributed to feminism.

  19. The right to be considered innocent until proven guilty in a domestic dispute. Men are carted off to prison and treated as a wife-beater without evidence.

  20. The right to abuse women and have the law do nothing. The right to demean women and have the law do nothing. The right to rape their wives and have the law do nothing. The right to not impregnate a woman more times than she wants to be pregnant. The right to not be be able to stop their wives from filing for a divorce. Need I go on. If being a man means being a criminal then all the more power to the perverted, abusive, controling, sociopathic anti-feminist men out there. I wish they would take my advice and go to some African tribe where they can kill and beat their wives because "duh, she's property."

  21. The right to be parent

    The right obtain job, because affirmative action allow less qualify women to get the job

    The right to get help when they're victim of domestic violence

    The right to be "innocent until proven guilty" in case of rape and domestic violence.

    Just a few examples.

    Check out my answer my to this question;...

  22. The right to be men.

  23. So far, not a single coherent answer from a male.

    To the poster who claimed "access to his children": how the BLOODY h**l has feminism denied men access to their children?

  24. dsds stole the show on this one.  Very good answer.

    Affirmative action and the bias laws against men when it comes to their personal lives and interaction with women.  Guilty until proven innocent is the new treatment of men.   These are my main concerns.

  25. feminism deny men nothing, feminist have no power

    often the top feminist are in fact men

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