
What "sign" are christian zelot astro trolls? :/?

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You know, the ones with WAAAAAY too much interest in wasting time trolling an astrology forum feeling so wise and mighty, with three of their "friends" backing up their posts? I wonder what "signs" they are. I would hope for the sign of an inverted cross, to be honest! =)




  1. They are on a mission from God...

    Even if Jesus wasn't into astrology, the Three Wise Men were astrologers...

  2. omg, yes!  this is my theory exactly, christian zealots trying desparately to sabatoge the "evil" of astrology with entirely UNchristian tactics.  

    this is what i think, JESUS BELIEVED IN ASTROLOGY!  yup, and i'm right and you're wrong, christian fundamentalist freaks.  ha.  hahaha

    gosh, that was enjoyable....

    a sign?  wow, i'll have to ponder that one

  3. I like your sense of humor!  Sign, I'm not sure.  But I bet they're waiting in line for tickets to Jerry Springer to voice their views..Or maybe Dr. Phil will counsel them on the "evils of astrology?"

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