
What "type" do i fit for acting?? (PICS)

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-I am most interested in film

-I have a personality that's a little sarcastic, and stubborn (but not too sarcastic or stubborn where it is obnoxious or rude)

-my voice is an alto and is not high pitched but not manly deep just a little deeper

-I'm pretty athletic

-I dress preppy/ edgy depending on the day

-I am pretty skinny I guess around a size 2-4 ish

-I am best at drama, action, or sometimes character acting

based on that info what "types" would I best be suited for and what movies, tv or theater characters could you see me playing also what actresses could you maybe say my "type" is most like

please help me my coach asked me to find my 3 types and examples of my type so I can research scripts and count how many times I see the same types I am in movies tv and theater for practice



ps i have headshots but i hate them so im getting new ones this week




  1. I see you as kind of a Thora Birch type. You look like, depending on how you dress, could go either sweet/innocent ingenue or more edgy Christina Ricci-esque.

    I don't see you as the popular cheerleader type , your looks are a bit off beat for that.

    So my 3 type choices for you would be:


    Girl next door

    edgy/indie girl

  2. I could also see you doing the drug addict/juvenile delinquent type roles. Even better - an innocent drug addict.

  3. kid on a soap is all i see

  4. When your coach gave you this assignment, I really highly doubt that he wanted you to go online and ask a bunch of strangers for advice.  We don't know you, and we have never seen you act... And a picture and some blurbs about you are not ging to help us.  

    I think that you coach gave you this assignment because it is hard, and because he wanted you to have to look inside yourself (not turn to complete strangers) and find out the answers to these questions.  I understand why you posted here, if my director told me to do this, I would have no idea where to start! But I don't quite think that was what he intended... You have to know who you are and what your character is before anyone can give you suggestions. Good luck!  

  5. Become a good actress and you should fit any type.

  6. The little sister. I doubt there will be much call for your type.

  7. probably like the sister or the girlfriend or something like that. Best of luck!!! Happy dreaming!!!

  8. You look like those kinda mean girls that are better then everyone else.

  9. U could be like a really mean snob girl I guess. Or maybe the weird girl who stands out  

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