
What r some good chores for a fourteen year old?

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We have 3 bunnies, 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 hamsters, 5 fish, a big house, and 3 other kids. The kids are 8,10, and 15. We also live as two families put together and have had issues in the past and present with her and my husband and his two kids. Thank You~




  1. What she said:) But a better question would be 'how is a good way to get a fourteen year old to do chores?' and if you know the answer to that one, please, fill me in lol

  2. Well, you could start with having the 14 year old care for some of the pets?  Clean cages, take dogs on walks.

    My 14 year old mows the grass once a week and then does things like take out the trash, clean the bathroom, help complete the laundry and help with groceries.  

    If he's mature enough, maybe he could even do a little babysitting of the younger siblings?

  3. My daughter is 14 and has to keep her room and her bathroom clean, she sets the table for dinner, unloads and reloads the dishwasher after dinner and she cooks dinner once a week......which she LOVES doing. She will also bake cookies or make a cake out of the blue....She loves to spend time in the kitchen. I am pretty lucky with this child.......she knows her chores and does them without complaint.

  4. Taking out the rubbish.

    hovering there room.

    clearing or setting the table for dinner.

    seeing the 8 year old is ready for school.

    tidying up the sitting room for you.

    making her/his bed.

    keeping the younger kids happy wile you cook dinner.

  5. Create a rotating schedule so that all kids share responsibilities evenly and all take responsibility for different things. One week its pet care, another its dishes/table, another is off.

  6. Lets see mowing the grass, taking care of the pets, cleaning up their rooms, throwing out the garbage, sweeping, mopping, vacuuming, dusting, washing the dishes. and so fourth.

    When I was younger both parents worked late and had four younger siblings.  I learned how to cook, wash clothes, wash dishes, throwing out the garbage, sweeping, mopping and vacuuming.  And am thankful for my mother for showing me these chores because I still to this day use those skills.

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