
What r some good pool tips?

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What r some good pool tips?




  1. Best tip I ever got, hold the q under your right boob, and lean DOWN on that table.

  2. just dont swallow the **** water!!!

  3. Don't play "Slim" for money. Don't play anyone for money except some guy named Kevin in Tyler Tx. Play him for lots he's easy.

  4. pool is like ever thing Else .the more you play the better you get.

  5. predator

  6. patience dont rush your shot cue up take your time and study the table .You rush it you miss it.

  7. One of the first is to not shoot too hard.  Try to plan your shots ahead, but if you miss a shot, try and leave the missed ball close to the intended target.  It might be there the next time you shoot.

  8. Of course, as an instructor, I feel obligated to suggest that you get lessons.  That being said, in my opinion, the most important thing you need to work on as a pool player at any level is your stroke.  My definition of the pool stroke is to move the cue stick forward in a straight line with an accelerating motion.  In a proper stroke, nearly all of the movement happens below the elbow.  Try not to drop your shoulder or move your head during the stroke.  The key to consistency is to eliminate unnecessary movement.  Now I could write a dozen pages about everything involved in a proper pool stroke.  When everything about your stroke is in order, a lot of other problems in your game will resolve themselves.  Aiming is actually quite easy and most people are better at it than they think.  They tend to miss shots more often because of errors in their stroke mechanics, not their aim.  After getting your stroke in order, I would say that speed control is a very important thing to work on.  Be sure not to put the cart before the horse though.  Don't be too eager to dive right into crazy jump and masse' shots and extreme English.  Be patient and dedicated and all of that will come in time.  When the pros find themselves in a slump, they almost always go back to the basics and work on their stroke.  Best of luck.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

  9. I could give you a million of 'm, but probably the best one is to stay down on your shot and follow through.

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