
What r some good setting drills that require only 1 person?

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What r some good setting drills that require only 1 person?




  1. first, u have to make sure ur setting right; u prolly already know, but this REALLY makes u a better setter. u have to start slow, then put the steps together. start w/ ur head tipped back and ur fingers in a position that looks like ur thumbs are poking ur eyes (fingers are spread apart). then, tip ur wrists to where its lik ur drinkin a 2liter of pop. then u just extend lik superman. it sounds stupid but it really duz help!!! now for th drills....

    to start, make sure that ur elbows and knees are bent, or else u have nowhere to extend to, and the ball wont go as hi as u want it to. but find a wall (if its on the outside of ur house it duznt bother any1 thats wat i do). then u just set it to the wall. try to find a goal, like 100 good sets w/o messing up before you can quit. if u mess up, start over at 1. or if u have trouble w/ the height of ur sets, mark a certain spot on the wall (u could even just pin a piece of paper up) and use the same rules, but u have to touch the target. that will help w/ getting to the correct height, and it will help getting the ball to ur target. dont lay down!!! its much harder, and its not completely the same as setting in the air. i hope all that helped!!!!!

  2. maybe just try setting it against the wall for a certain amount of time. or just bump set mump set to ur self

  3. take ball in hand, throw up in air, and set

  4. my coach made us go to the wall and made us bump the ball 100 times in a row.. if you messed up start all over again at one and you don't leave the wall until you get it down, and then he'd make us do 100 sets to the wall (same rules apply)

  5. Hi! a setter, and i had the same question about a year ago!...

    1. Lay on ur back, and set the ball over and over again to urself. Once ur confortable, practice slowly sitting up while setting. It's hard but with practice u can master it.

    2. If u have access to a wall, set about 6 inches from the wall. Practice setting quickly, and at a steady pace.

    3. Again to urself, practice setting very high, and then very low, very high, very low. Over and over again.

    4. In an open area, with ahard flat ground...such as a gym- set the ball apprx. 4 feet in front of u, let it bounch, and set it forward again, let it bounce, and do it again.  That helped me a lot!!!

    Hope that helps!!!

  6. You start with jumping up to a certain point on a wall and touching the wall with your finger tips fifty times. Then, set the ball against the wall, maybe bounce it fifteen feet up the wall.

  7. you  can set up on the wall,you can lay down on your back and set the ball whille trying to get back on your feet,go under the net and set the ball over.

  8. 1. Take a volleyball and find a concrete wall that will not bother anyone by the pounding!

    Then pass the ball off the wall over and over again. What your going for here is as many touches as you can... to get used to the ball. Think of it this way - if you play on a 6 person team, you only get to touch the ball every once in a while but if you play against a wall you get to touch the ball many times - speeding up your learning ability.


    Sit or stand and perform small sets over and over - I used to do 800 set a night watching TV - 6 inches above my head. The reason - how often do you see anyone setting in a game from their back? NEVER

    3. Another great idea is to set up a basket or a box - and try to set the ball into the box or basket -  the smaller the target the harder the drill -  this will give you a real target not just improve your hand technique.

    As an x-pro on the beach - I did this and it really improved my game. Also if you take a look at the resource below, you can learn allot by watching the videos.

  9. bump to the air and set

  10. just set to the it over and over and over till you get the ball nice and high...or just where you like it :-)

  11. I like the answer I see with the drills. I would suggest ensuring you use your legs to push on everything you set. Its a good habit to get into and helps with those long sets when the pass from the back court isn't where it should be. The more volleying you do the easier it gets and the stronger the hands arms and legs get, but it won't happen in 15 minutes. Practise.

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