
What r some good tricks to teach ur dog?

by  |  earlier

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my dog is a cocker spaniel and she knows the basics like sit, down, stay, Bang, high five and shake my hand

i wanted to teach her how to get me the news paper but then i remembered that my drive way is really big and that we have coyotes so i decided against that trick and so now i am wondering what tricks are easy and kinda funny!!!!!





  1. Well my aunt has a dog and she taught her to sneeze maybe you could try that! =)

  2. i  know someone who taught there dog to balance a biscuit on its nose and then catch it, it was really cool.

  3. Roll over, jump, and if she's really up to it, beg! :] You have a pretty obedient doggy, congrats!

  4. aslong as your dog can STAY - and Sit and Come - don't ask for anything more - she is not on display to impress anyong - stop is a good commend as well

    Leave out the tricks]

    you have her for a pet and friend

    leave her be

  5. i taught my dog heel. it is suposed to walk (by ur side)  when you do, and stop when you  do. you hold on to the collar at first. when it gets the hang of it use a leash. finally allow your dog to do it on its own. keep an eye out for coyotes! hope this is easy enough. see ya!

  6. Does she have a kennel? If she's good at jumping as well.. you could teach her how to fly it (ie snoopy). My beagle does it.. but I think it would be cute for any dog to do..

    Does she stand on her hind legs a lot.. If she does you can teach her to jump or dance.

    If you've got a really clever one like mine.. you may be able to teach her how to backflip.. which is a little dangerous.. so you'd want to do it on a soft area.

    Spin is a good one to teach.. then you can teach her to spin before she does "bang" (i assume this one is the one where she plays dead?)

    but would look better if you could teach her to do it on her hind legs.

    If I can think up anymore I'll edit this post.

  7. Teach him to stay.

    This will be very useful in the future.

  8. you are good where you are at with training i would teach her drop, stop, and heel. but for a cool trick i taught my dog how to get me a bottle of water from the fridge, you can change it to beer if you are a drinker. i just tied a rope to the handle and she pulls it open brags the water and brings it over and the door closes by itself.

  9. The one I taught my dog, Midnight, was to catch a frisbee in mid-air. After that, I taught him to bounce a balloon off of his nose without popping it. He also knew the other tricks that most dogs know... he was one of the best dogs ever. My other favorite dog trick my other dog knew which was to have the dog balance a biscuit on his nose and wait until you say "go" and then he flips it over and catches it. (Midnight never could do that one, however.) The best thing to do is find what tendencies your dog already has and then try to incorporate it into a trick. The other thing that Midnight could do was climb up a ladder. He learned that one by just following me up one day. But, then I combined that with a "one, two, three" and then he would jump off the ladder into the pool. He was a horrible swimmer though and we had to have a doggy life-preserver on him!! (But he still loved it!)

    I didn't do it so much as for him to be "on display" but as a way of challenging him. He was a very smart dog and got easily bored.

  10. You 'could' be the first person in history to teach a dog to put its own p**p into a plastic bag. It could start a trend. Then you charge money to teach other peoples' dogs to do it. Soon after that you could franchise the business and then retire in a few years.

    Don't forget who gave you the idea when the bucks start rolling in, okay?

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