
What r some types of doctors and and what do they do???

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What r some types of doctors and and what do they do???




  1. Audiologists - They help with ear problems and also help parents when their children perhaps aren't speaking.

    Orthopaediatrician - They work with bones and put casts on people when they've broken a bone.

    Radiographers - they deal with medical images such as x-rays and ultrasounds.

    Optometrist - A profession that deals with people's eyes and their vision.

    Physiologists - they deal with more of the physics and help with getting people into better shape physically. There are often gyms or exercise equipment in the physio area's of a hospital.

    and my favourite

    Surgeon's - A medical profession involved with more of the theatre and operation side of the hospital. They're usually the ones that cut open bodies to operate on and so forth.

    However, there are plenty more other health professions that will enable you to have the title Dr.

  2. The top answer missed off my second speciality, Critical Care.

    Imagine JD and Dr Cox on Scrubs (the only show I have time to catch in my breaks, especially since we (hospital staff) were kindly rewarded with the box sets for Christmas.

    Critical Care consists of looking after the most critical patients. In other words, the Intensive Care Unit.

  3. Ophthalmologist -  treat eye disease, perform eye surgery

    Psychiatrist - treat psychiartic problems, some do psychoanalysis

    Pediatrician - treat children

    Gastroeneterologist - treat disease of the stomach and intestines

    Endocrinologist - treat diabetes, thyroid disease and other endocrine diseases

    Cardiologist - treat heart problems and hypertension

    Pulmonologist -  treat asthma and lung diseases

    Allergist - treat allergies

    Dermatologist - treat skin diseases

    Nephrologist - treats kidney problems

    ENT - treats and performs surgery on ear, nose and throat

    plastic surgeon - performs surgery to repair skin and structural problems

    Oncologist - treats cancers

    Podiatrist - treats foot problems

    Orthopedist - treats broken bones and deformities

    Infectious Disease Specialist - branch of internal medicine related to infections of all types

    Anesthesiologist - physician qualified to place someone under anesthesia for operations

    Neurologist - treats diseases of the brain (seizures, strokes, etc.)

  4. Here are a few examples of specialties with brief descriptions of what they do:

    Pediatrics-treat children

    Family Practice-general physician, treat all ages & non-emergency conditions usually in an office setting

    Internal Medicine: treat adolescents & adults, variety of conditions, work in the hospital (hospitalists) or intensivists

    Obstetrics/Gynecology-deliver babies, C-sections, gynecological surgeries (hysterectomy, remove ovarian tumors, etc.), well-woman checkups(pelvic exams & pap smears), prenatal care, etc.

    Neurology-treat nervous system disorders (seizure disorders, parkinson's, alzheimer's)

    Endocrinology-treat growth disorders, thyroid diseases, diabetes

    Gastroenterology-treat GI diseases & conditions, perform endoscopy & colonoscopy

    Cardiology-treat heart diseases & conditions

    Pulmonology-treat respiratory problems and manage critical patients in the ICU that require ventilator support

    Surgery-perform operations, different sub-specialties (general surgery, neurosurg, cardiothoracic, ENT/maxillo-facial, plastic surg, oral surg, transplant surg, urology, etc.)

    Anesthesiology- intubate patients, place central lines, sedate/anesthetize patients for surgery, epidural blocks for delivery or procedures, some are pain specialists

    Infectious Disease-study & treat diseases due to viruses/bacteria/parasites, usually work in the hospital & also do a lot of research

    Pathology-diagnose diseases/conditions from tissue specimens/samples, work as medical examiners & do autopsies, determine causes of death, usually don't deal with patients

    Rheumatology-treat allergic conditions & autoimmune disorders

    Dermatology-treat skin diseases/conditions

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