
What r the effects of global warming on humans?

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good and understandable answers not simply writing "they could die'' or something like that




  1. As the glaciers melt and recede, they leave behind beautiful valleys, and uncover countless mineral riches for all mankind to enjoy.

    Yosemite would be a crappy summer destination if it's valley was crammed with ice.

  2. Well if I could get it a degree or two warmer that would save me from having to scrape the @#$%^ ice off my windshield every morning.

  3. Apparently:  Delusions of grandeur.  Many begin thinking they can control the weather.  One degree temperature change has no effect on the human form, over the course of seconds or centuries.

  4. They're much happier.

    Sadly though, the next cooling cycle is starting up, according to NASA.  

    Say goodbye to global warming for a while.

  5. Whatever visions of what global warming may or may not do in the future is just purely theory and speculation.

    What we do know is that global warming has been hugely beneficial to humanity in the past.  Probably not something Al Gore will be mentioning..

  6. al gore is now in his home, thinking of a lie, working very hard to make a lie which will excuse his other lie of global warming and somehow say global warming triggered global cooling AGAIN ..

    told u guys, global warming is a myth

  7. People around the world are becoming increasingly alarmed over global warming’s impact on human health. Abnormal and extreme weather, have long predicted would be an early effect of global warming. Our warming climate is also creating the ideal conditions for the spread of infectious disease, putting millions of people at risk.  Human induced climate change "is likely to have wide-ranging and mostly adverse impacts on human health, with significant loss of life."

    As temperatures rise, disease-carrying mosquitoes and rodents spread, infecting people in their wake. Outbreaks of dengue ("breakbone") fever, malaria, hantavirus and encephalitis, another mosquito-borne illness with strong links to warmer temperatures, are also on the rise.

    Regional climate stress on agriculture may mean additional victims of malnutrition world-wide each year. Extreme floods and droughts are projected to become more severe as global warming worsens. These extremes may threaten the availability and supply of safe drinking water. Diseases associated with flooding, such as cryptosporidiosis, could affect millions more people every year.

    Extreme weather events, like the abnormal storms and flooding that have devastated many communities may also become more common. As the number and severity of these events increase they will pose not only an immediate threat to human health and well being, but also bring dangerous long-term consequences.

    If global warming continues unabated, both we and our children will pay a terrible price.

    We simply cannot afford to ignore the global warming problem.

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