
What r u doing to for Memorial Day, to honor those who died for this Country?

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What r u doing to for Memorial Day, to honor those who died for this Country?




  1. A year ago this weekend, my son while serving in Iraq lost a friend one truck ahead of him due to an IED. My son suffers from PTSD, and while I was at home knowing he was suffering emotionally ( he was also burned) it pained me that I couldn't do the "mom" Thing and make him alright. This memorial weekend, I will thank every soldier I come in contact with( I already do) and thank them and Bless  them. These men and women are our heroes. Honor all all military, past and present.. I work in retail and wear a pin that says,"I hug all soldiers" I have met some truly awesome heroes, clear back to Iwa Jima (sp?), it was a tearful day... GOD BLESS OUR AMERICAN SOLDIERS...Past...Present... and Future  Thank  you for the unselfish sacrifices you have made and still make on our behalf. God Bless You All

  2. Getting drunk and throwing a BBQ party!

  3. Well I made center pieces for a dinner where the soldiers are coming back to my hometown. I also made these little folded flag thingys. That's nice too..

    I'm carrying a big flag too. Im going to drop it (like I did before...), and possibly ruin the day, but Im going to be VERY careful. XD (Not kidding about dropping it though..)

  4. My sons and myself will carry the flags of our fathers in the Flags of Honor Parade. They are WW1 and WW2 vets. Usually about 100 or so flags of vets who have passed away are carried for this event. It's a nice site to see. Then it is followed by a service and 21 gun salute by the National Guard.

  5. I’m not complaining about the price that I pay for ANYTHING because no cost that I will bear this weekend can compare to those who paid the ultimate price in protecting our liberty.

  6. Eating beef in a tube form, and watching strange ammunition explode in the sky.  

    How in the world did we adopt these customs?

  7. YA propagandist are off that day

  8. Continue my fight to enforce a free nation based on the 50 states that create what we call the United States, for we are all one when United, but this takes work of every citizen in this country to abide by the governed laws in our Constitution set forth by our past forefathers . The fight to bear arms, the fight for free will, the fight for social equality, the fight to survive, but will lay rest and prayer upon the lost who have gave the greatest sacrifice that any man woman or child , wither by consent or conquest thy debt was paid with blood , but blindsided by the course of greed in our government.

  9. calling my uncle who is in the air force and wishing him and his girlfriend a happy memorial day and thanking them for keeping our country safe.;...

  10. I always take fresh flowers and a flag to the cemetery for my brother who was a Green Beret and my dad who was a Paratrooper in the Army. I have a friend I honor by taking a flag to his grave also.

    To all of those who have served to keep us safe and free...Thank You and a great holiday to you all.

  11. I am on strike against the current regime and their puppets (Obama, media). I am remembering those who died by trying to make sure that no more Americans are used in such a manner by the powers that be. In order to do so, I believe we MUST stand together and hold back our money (STOP BEING CONSUMERS), this is the only way to make our voices heard.

    The powers that be, the ones who have no social conscience, can only be moved by the people (ALL of US) standing together and making them take notice.

    I will be making them take notice by withholding any monies that I am able.

    I will not buy gas.

    I have already canceled cable.

    I buy only necessary food and water.

    I flip breakers at my main box when I do not need the energy.

    I will use this time that I can make a difference, no matter the small inconvenience to me, it will impact future generations.

    Perhaps there will be a day when historians look back and talk about Memorial Day as an ancient holiday, back in the  period of human history when the elite rulers sent the masses out to fight for the benefit and sport of the powers that be. They will look back and be thankful that Americans paid attention to what was going on enough to stand together and make the change that resulted in no more regimes, no more wars, and equality for humanity.

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