
What r u doing to help stop global warming?

by  |  earlier

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sunday i was at the flea market and got a damm sunburn

yes i do live in florida..but its february damm it

i am 30 and have spent many days in the sun at the beach


something is definetly happening here...what will u do to help stop this...if each person picked 1 little thing to do and sticked to would make a huge difference.will u b that 1 person?

i will




  1. Man made global warming is like the Easter Bunny! It is a myth the ignorant believe.

  2. Well I was out today shoveling more snow and the weather was -7 so stop your whining.

  3. Sorry, can't help.  I'm too busy trying to stop plate tectonics.

  4. I am not using hair sprays and not opening the fridges for a long time.

  5. Well i live in England but , when i brush my teeth i shut the water off :)

    that has been known to help.

    And i take a shower not a bath ..

    && i take the bus not a car :)


  6. I use to get sunburned in Florida 35 years ago.  It is dam cold here now in Colorado. Record cold all over the nation. According to the Ancient Vedas that the main reason for extreme weather patterns and natural disasters is mans sinful activities. Not only using natures resources (that is a factor no doubt) but so many other things are at play here. Such as animal slaughter, abortion, and so many heinous crimes going on in the world. If we just stopped the slaughter of innocent animals, especially cows, our weather patterns would come back to normal. The automobile will be extinct withing 60 to 70 years. This is the prediction of Bhaktivedanta Prabhuapda. Meaning will either run out of fuel or some major world calamities will happen where the producing of automobiles will end. I would prefer horse and buggy. That has been the way for thousands of years. The pollution of big big industries have made havoc in the world. I am Vegetarian, I recycle,compost, garden, and try to live by simple living and high thinking. It is my goal to get some land and be self sufficient and live off the land with wind power and grow our own food.

  7. I've heard, on a radio show that global warming could also be a natural thing and not necessarily caused by man.

    In our house, some of our bulbs are fluorescent.

  8. does leaving the fridge door open for a little longer to kool down the global warming count? because thats all i can think of right now

    if you want me to i will turn the ac up a little...want me to set to 63 instead of 70? will that help?? ill leave my windows open for a while so the kool air gets out to help fight the global warming

  9. i am not doing a thing

  10. You educate yourself about the facts and reality that (Global Warming hysteria. Is nothing more the "Left wing propaganda that's meant to fear monger people and society in lifestyle change.  Is the Earth polluted? yes. Do we need to fix this problem? yes. Is the sky falling? NO. Stop following this cult like religion called "Global Warming" and Global Warming will go away. Then society can find  rational solutions and answers to our environmental problems.

  11. CFL's

  12. You cannot stop global warming, it is a natural cycle of the Earth and has been happening long before humans or cars were here.   Good luck with the impossible!!

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