
What r u having and when r you do?

by  |  earlier

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I was at the grocery store today and a women asked me was i having a boy. i said "yes", and she looked at her mother and said see i told you. she must have noticed how confused and irritated i looked because she said o i was just asking because this is boy season, and mostly everyone who is pregnant is having a boy. i was wondering if this is true because i am having a boy and so it my best friend and my sister in law. and it it true there is seasons for children, because last year when i had my daughter in april every one was having a girl my other friend and my other sister in law. So what are you having? and when are you do? thanks




  1. I am having twin girls they are due in december.  

  2. I'm having a girl and she is due in December.

  3. I am due around Christmas and we are having a baby boy.  Owen!

  4. Im having a boy and its due december

  5. I am having a GIRL...Due December 16th!!! :)

    My hubby and I are SUPER excited over our little girl on the way :)

    Congrats to everyone :)

  6. It's a boy and I'm due on Sept 15.

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