
What race am i? wanna help me? lol.?

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I was born in america as a ABC [ american born chinese ]

some of my friends tell me im half viet and have chinese, but my family says im full chinese..


my parents parents were born in china, and the moved to viet and gave birth to my parents there, then my parents moved to U.S.A and gave birth to me.

am i missing details? ... WHAT AM I?





  1. Just as you said ABC don't read so much into it.

  2. Chinese heritage, Vietnamese born.

  3. Your race is Asian.

    Your ethnicity is Chinese.

    Your nationality is American.

    Your parents' nationality is possibly Vietnamese.

  4. i have exactly the same problem as u. my dads 1/4 chinese 3/4 mom is chinese. im born in america and some ppl says im white and some ppl says im chinese.i consider myself chinese tho.

  5. Its obvious that you are Chinesse. My parents are mexicans and im mexican. If i was born in Russia im not gonna say im Russian when im mexican. Go by what your parents are and they are chinesse but Vietnamese and american citizens thas all

  6. you're chinese.... but that's not a race.

    your eastern asian.

  7. uh...youre...chinese

  8. i wouldn't say you were chinese as only your grand - parents are chinese but if your family tells you so, they obviously no more than me lol I would just say you were American as you were born in America so just ABC.

    this is similar to me, I was born in wales my mother was born in England and my father born in Guyana (south america) my paternal grandparents are also guyanese and my maternal grandparents are english. I say I am Welsh or British because I was born in wales.


  9. Well, technically you're American.

    If you were born in America, you're American.

    However, your ethnicity is Chinese.

    I mean, your family may have some Vietnamese traditions and what not, but that does not mean your genes are Chinese.

    So, technically you're American, but your ethnicity is Chinese, and possibly some of your heritage/ lifestyle is Vietnamese.

  10. What is confusing?I don't understand why you would be confused.Are you just fishing for compliments?

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