
What race are indians? Negriod or oriental?

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Indians from India




  1. Caucasoid

  2. In the United States, people most typically call the people of India, "Middle Eastern." In Britain they are called "Asian" (what is called Asian in the US is called Oriental in the UK). However, in scientific terms they are labeled as Caucasian/Caucasoid. Hope this helped!

  3. American Indians originated in Asia, and crossed to this continent via the Bering Straight.

  4. Neither, Indians from India are Caucasoid - Caucasian.

  5. They came out of Asia so I'd say oriental.  Which Indians are you talking about?

  6. I've had do redo this answer after some research.

    Indians are most closely related to Asians, the lower the caste the more Asian they are, and less European. Also, the further south you go, the less European.But it's a very old, and different Asian blood line to the Mongoloid people. Dravidian is probably the correct term. They look a lot like like Africans though, as their environment never gave them a reason to change.

    "Analysis of mtDNA Suggests a Proto-Asian Origin of Indians

    MtDNA HVR1 genetic distances between caste populations and Africans, Asians, and Europeans are significantly different from zero (p < 0.001) and reveal that, regardless of rank, each caste group is most closely related to Asians and is most dissimilar from Africans (Table 1). The genetic distances from major continental populations (e.g., Europeans) differ among the three caste groups, and the comparison reveals an intriguing pattern. As one moves from lower to upper castes, the distance from Asians becomes progressively larger. The distance between Europeans and lower castes is larger than the distance between Europeans and upper castes, but the distance between Europeans and middle castes is smaller than the upper caste-European distance. These trends are the same whether the Kshatriya and Vysya are included in the upper castes, the middle castes, or excluded from the analysis. This may be owing, in part, to the small sample size (n = 10) of each of these castes. Among the upper castes the genetic distance between Brahmins and Europeans (0.10) is smaller than that between either the Kshatriya and Europeans (0.12) or the Vysya and Europeans (0.16). Assuming that contemporary Europeans reflect West Eurasian affinities, these data indicate that the amount of West Eurasian admixture with Indian populations may have been proportionate to caste rank. "

    The further North you go the people become lighter skinned Indo Europeans, the same as the rest of Europe, and the middle East. You even get the odd blond with blue eyes native to Pakistan and Afghanistan. They are Caucasian. There's a pic of a green eyed Afghan girl.

  7. oriental is a type of rug, not a race of humans.

  8. they are Indians. I don't think they are either of those or anything else. they are the Indian race.

  9. Indians (Hindus) are Indo-Aryans, which are considered to be Caucasoids...

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