
What race came first?

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What race came first?




  1. The rat race.

  2. There is no unanamious agreement on this. However, some anthropologists believe that the Australian aborigines might be very similar to what everyone looked like about 30,000 years ago.  

    The Australian natives are the oldest human population still living  on the planet. People first arrived in Australia about 35,000 years ago where they were totally isolated and undisturbed until the first European colonists began showing up in 1788.

    So-called  "Negroids"  (African Blacks, Ethiopians, Bushmen), "Caucasians" (White Europeans, Mediterraneans, North Africans & Middle Easterners) and "Mongoloids"  (East Asians, Eskimos, maybe Polynesians & American Indians) all appeared much later only around the end of the last Ice Age between 12,000 and 8,000 years ago.

    Traditional notions about race are being questioned today by many scientists since increasing evidence indicates that the human race originated in Africa and that most of our genome is still essentially African. In the case of people living in sub-Saharan Africa, it's all African.

  3. The first human was a black man.He sat up and said,"Where am I?And,how do I get to Detroit?'.

  4. Ancient Sumeria is the oldest known civilization, from what I've studied, so I'd have to say that the human race started up in the Middle East around Iraq somewhere... interestingly enough.

  5. The human race. Your question makes no evolutionary sense, regardless of populational isolation after the human emergence from Africa.

  6. I can't say for fact, but i believe i read, that the oldest skeletal remains ever found were African.

  7. It depends what race Adam and Eve were.

  8. DNA tests tell us the Afr'can bushman 's the oldest haplogoup on earth.  One letter does not work on my keyboard hence the ' used for that letter.  Therefore, we are all descended from a bunch of pygam'es.  The 'dea of race based on sk'n color 's flawed & descr'bes very few human tra'ts.

  9. The human race

  10. Race is a modern human construct. There is actually no definition of race in the sense of differentiating between skin colors or geography. You will never find a definition that is agreed upon, therefore in all reality, the concept of race does not exist.

    Even if race did exist, evolution didn't just pop up with new 'races'. There would have been an original hominid that would evolve into the 'races' we have today.

    But when it comes down to it, the human race, ultimately, comes out of eastern Africa.

  11. The human race.

  12. I believe the theory relating to the breakup of one land mass caused the seperation of men.

    Like most I believe mankind evolved from eastern Africa/ Middle East and spread from there. The history and the intellectual growth seems to be centered in that region and overtime , expanded outward.

    The following is an interesting read with opinions welcomed.
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