
What race do u like to date?

by  |  earlier

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say ur race and what race of girls u like to date.personally i like all different colored men.




  1. im a korean girl going out with a persian guy. talk about al queda working with north korea hahaha

  2. I'm british and prefer to date british guys.

    Because thats the type of guys that really does something for my chemistry and thats the type of guys that i really fancy.

    I tried going out with different races about 2 years ago. But i found that it didnt work at all really because he wasn't what i was looking for.  

  3. im mixed with ALOT

    white, black, mexican, british, and cajun

    i like all races.. im not racist

  4. I'm black and I'll date just about any race it depends on the person not there skin color or ethnicity

  5. human

  6. I've had 'em all but it depends of what I'm in the mood for. Example?

    Good Food n Family and a night out dancing: Latina women.Women from Spain are also very exceptable.

    s*x: Black or Filipino women.White girls when I want to experiment. They are down for ANYTHING.(They got the p**n industry locked down for a good reason)

    If I want to be spoiled rotten: Asian women (Japanese in particular. Korean girls are mean and cheap as h**l. Chinese women talk too much and when they are yapping it up,they tend to be LOUD.)

    Booty calls: Usually white girls. I hate to say it but they have NO shame in their game.

  7. Wookies.  They have more cushion for the pushion, plus some shag.

  8. im a filipina, so i wud like to date a filipino...but it depends

  9. Don't matter to me, as long as I like the personality.

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