
What race/ethnicity should my children be???

by  |  earlier

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Lol, no don't think so.. i don't remember being with a polish man good one.




  1. Your children look Latino, with some white. Your kids look happy and healthy. That's a blessing no matter the race.

  2. They look Latin and white. However, their healthy children and that should only matter.  

  3. Beautiful children!  I would just say "Mixed Race" which they are and leave it at that.   What a wonderful time they will have learning about all their cultural heritages!  

  4. I would probably say hispanic.

  5. they look hispanic and a touch middle eastern

  6. polish

    Polish strong man Pudzianowski they look like him

  7. Caucasians they look like any other white kids jeez how could you make it complicated..  

  8. They are mixed - at least half White(Semitic-Arab(Yemen)/ Mexican (Indian/European White mix)-like Selma Hayek(father Semitic White(Lebanese)/ mother-Mexican)-me-proud Arab American of Lebanese ancestry-incidentally Carlos Slim, billionaire-is of Lebanese ancestry(born in Mexico-both parents from Lebanon). Beautiful family.

  9. They belong to the cute kind.

    Honestly, it doesn't matter.

  10. It really depends.

    My friend is half hispanic and half european, with no european features but as pale as a sheet.

    Another person I know is half asian and half european and looks completely asian.

    There's nothing wrong with mixed races. If you're happy with they way you look and the way your husband looks, you don't have to worry about your children!

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