
What rail will fit onto the Jing Gong M16A4's removable carry handle?

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I'm looking for a good rail that can fit onto the Jing Gong's M16A4's removable carry handle. Could ayone give me the name of the rail? Or better yet, the site which sells it?





  1. Any AR15/M16 carry handle scope mounting rail will fit this or any AR15/M16 or any Airsoft clone threrof's carry handle as long as it has the hole drilled in the top center of the sight channel.

    Such mounts with Weaver or 1919 Picatinny rails are avalible from:  

  2. If it's a removable handle that regular carry handle mounts wont fit on why don't you just take it off and use the rail.  If you're worried about not having iron sights use a quick detach mount then buy a fold down back up iron sight and mount it behind the quick detach mount. When you want to use irons take the mount off, flip up the backup sight, and rock 'n' roll.

    I've seen you ask about this carry handle a couple times now and i just figured id throw out another option.  

  3. try numrich or midway. If not there, gunsamerica.

  4. Here's one,

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