
What range must your alexa ranking be for your site to show up in the top 10 search results in the SE's??

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I want to know what your alexa ranking must be for your site to be included in the top 10 search results for the search engines for your keyword.




  1. Alexa is irrelevant to search engine placement. Spending any time whatsoever worrying about Alexa is a total waste.

  2. I would not agree with the Hound.  

    I use the Alexa rating system to keep an eye on my own site.  I also use it when linking with another company to see how they are rated.  

    Because I have been extremely busy on other matters for a month or so now and have not concentrated on my site, my Alexa rating has dropped slightly, but I know that as soon as I start work on it again, this ranking will rise.

    I don't think it is possible to give an accurate figure on rating numbers to judge whether you will be included in the stop ten, but I stand to be corrected on this point.

    All I would say is, if you have a web site, increase your content focusing on key words, get some top class links that tie in with the general subject/content of your site and market your site to the best of your ability then you will be winning the battle.

    Don't become over-fussed about this subject, everything should fall into place if you follow the above advice..

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