
What real qualifications do you have to comment on global warming?

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this is more directed at the PHDs and "climateolgests" out there




  1. you dont need to be a weather man to know which way the wind blows.

  2. Lol...I have the same qualifications as everyone else here...almost none.  That puts me right about equal, with the folks with Masters that should be answering soon, as they look down their noses at us ignorant buffoons that dare question them.

  3. It is our generation to help save the future if we don't come together and help fix this horrid habit our children and children's children will suffer for our mistakes we don't have to go to extremes like everyone has to ride a bicycle we can just sometimes walk to our friends house instead of some people who have to ride in cars every where we go

    jeeps that guzzles gas should not be used that often                                            


                   Alley the vegetarian and human rights person

  4. John Cristy is not an Atmospheric Scientist?????

    What crack are you guys smoking?  It is tainted!

  5. MS in physics which gives me enough background to understand the basic physics of global warming.  I've also read several books and many scientific papers, including much of the IPCC report.

    Additionally, enough interaction with scientists to know that they don't pursue scientific study for money, and that the 'global warming is a giant hoax/conspiracy' theory is completely stupid.  Also enough intelligence to know that climate scientists understand climate science a lot better than anybody here, and we should d**n well be listening to them.

    I don't claim to be an expert (though I have researched the subject thoroughly), but I do understand that we should be listening to those who are experts.

  6. Being a human being who observes and feels it and also one who is slightly responsible for causing it.  I would prefer to live a natural life with natural goals, not polluted American Fed b******e ones.

  7. Not much qualifications but global warming is  a natural cycle of our atmosphere just as an ice age is. Nothing man can do will greatly affect what nature has in store for the world.

    We just have to grin and bare it.

  8. It seems the people with the most extreme findings on climate change (either for or against) have education in some unrelated field.  James Hansen and John Christie for example.

    These people are the ones who grab the headlines either prooving definitavely that AGW is real or it is not real.

  9. Well, I hold an engineering degree.  It's not in climatology, and it's not a PhD or anything, but it is in an earth-related field.  

    While I don't claim to understand all the technical details global warming, I have enough background knowledge to separate the facts from the fiction in the popular media.  When in doubt, I can check the scientific literature.

  10. just going outside everyday and looking around since the 1950s

    I noticed it , thousands of people like myself who pay attention to the out doors  noticed it,  long before it became news

    and certainly long time before Al Gore came along.

    Difference is we thought it was another natural cycle or trend

    h**l- I still think it might be

  11. More education than a PHD, been involved in energy since juror high. Save millions of dollars in electricity. Built an ethanol fuel still. Studied everything I could on these subjects. Designed a new airplane that flew in the jet stream, today it is called an Atmospheric Cleanup Machine as I have an EPA license. Learned about new technologies. And where we still need to go. Put it together on

    It may not be perfect but I am doing the work.

  12. you shouldnt be paid to lie

    to all the people who gave me a thumbs down is saying that you should be paid to lie.. how sad!

  13. I think then Al Gore really does not have any qualifications to comment and make a movie full of bias opinion's and predictions because we know all he is, is a big failer as a politician and does not have a PHD.

  14. In the U.S. you don't need any particular qualification, when a Republican conservative is in office you can always blame them for everything!

    You don't really need a brain at all, just simply ignore the fact that the Earth has had thousands of Global Warmings in the past and this particular global warming is solely caused by human beings!    

    Did anyone ever consider asking the question "if there were no human beings on Earth - would there still be a "Global Warming?"   The answer is of course there still would be a Global Warming with or without any human beings living on earth!    

    P.S. Mars is also undergoing a "Global Warming" all without any assist from SUV's or Republican Conservatives!  How can that be - could it be a natural occurrence?

  15. Always going outside and noticed everywhere.

    By the way, doing some researches and cleaning everywhere or recycling and tell everyone to do so.

    This is our planet! This is our home! This is our Earth!

    Only us could help her!

    That's why I have the qualification to do so!

  16. To be the Prophet of Global Warming does not require a technical education.  You just have to be an ex democrat Vice President and live in  a twenty room, eight bathroom, mansion in Nashville, Tennessee.  You must jet around the world denouncing the extravagance of the US.  It follow therefor that to merely comment on Global Warming requires even less qualifications.  Therefor here is my comment;  The average temperature has gone up one degree in one hundred years......Oh my God the sky is falling!

  17. Read all studies and investigate all modeling .

  18. I'm just going to ignore it, because I don't care about the points. What would you have people do? Mail a copy of their credentials to you? Either you are really naive or frustrated.

  19. I don't have a fancy degree.  But why can't I be qualified?

    Why do you need to be qualified to have an opinion?

    Are you qualified to ask questions?  See, same question, just different wording...  ;-)

  20. First it is climatology not climateologist. But I am glad you asked your question and are willing to see how many intellegent people are in agreement on global warming.  I went to school to study climatology for 10 years. I have come to the conclusion that global warming is actually not caused by man.

  21. Edit:  Sorry, I'll try to be more direct...the only qualification needed to comment on any subject is the ability to comprehend it.  I understand the science of, and the motivation behind, the theory of AGW, and I am moved to speak out against this idiocy.

    ...or do you believe Bush's MBA from Harvard qualifies him to run this country?  Should we pay more attention to the messenger than the message?  "I am the great and powerful Oz.  Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain."

  22. 3 years in the Internet newsgroups trenches debating Y2K conspiracy alarmist who wouldn't believe the government or the "consensus" of the vast majority of computer scientists (e.g."Y2K is well under control and there won't be any serious problems").  That helped me develop a great BS detector which goes off all the time now, when I read the AGW doubter (don't agree with the government or climate scientist "consensus") sites.

    Additionally, BS Math/Computer Science minor Physics, some graduate work in Computer Science.  25 years experience working in the physical sciences and computer modeling with various PhD Physicists. 3 years reading the scientific literature on Climate Science.

    But don't believe anything I say (we all know there are frauds around here), instead read the links to peer reviewed scientific journal articles and actual respected climate research labs that I provide.

  23. Once dated a contributor to the IPCC TAR.  She showed me her commendation from work for the IPCC winning the Nobel Prize.  Wicked hot.

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