
What really came first, the chicken or the Egg?

by Guest66479  |  earlier

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i bet nobody can give me a real answer without mentioning God...




  1. Find Kou Kibi from Soul hunter she's a Chickensei and a time bird probably she knows hehe XD

  2. The one smokin a ciggarette with a smile on his face!


  4. AHAHAHA! There is a flaw in your question. You never stated that the egg was a chicken egg. The egg could be any egg such as a dinosaurs. As long as it's an egg, it's an egg. Therefore the egg came before the chicken. (I didn't talk about god) ><

    Try and prove me wrong if you can...

    However, if you are talking about a chicken egg then I would say the chicken. Because... (I'm still saying nothing about god) scientists have proved that creatures can adapt due to different environments. Example: apes became humans due to adaptations. In addition, recently, scientists have proven that salamanders can become mexican walking fish if they are to be put into a new environment. It has recently occurred in an aquarium!

    The chicken could've evolved from anything!

  5. Gonna go with the chicken

  6. It was not an egg of a chicken that made the first chicken . it very closely resembled a chicken that laid the egg the first chicken came out of but it wasn't actually a chicken. someone's got to draw the line somewhere and the lines were drawn by some form of biologist or scientist a long long time after the first chickens died.

  7. This is actually a question which symbolizes the conflict between Science and Religion. Whether you like it or not, it just remains as that. If you believe that the Egg came first, then you believe more in Religion. While if you believe that the Chicken came first, then you believe more in Science. Nevertheless, this question is never appropriate for an answer, since if you try to relate Religion with Science and vice versa, then you'll just end up into nothing. Science can never go with Religion. :D

  8. i think the rooster was the first to come

  9. The egg - as chickens evolved from egg laying birds.

  10. chicken, they used to give birth to live young... like humans, but they evolved and eventually started to lay eggs...

  11. I am going to make the assumption that by chicken egg you mean an egg laid by a chicken, in which case the chicken came before the egg, since the chicken would have hatched from the egg of another creature.

    If, however, you define a chicken egg as an egg whence the chicken came, then the egg came first.

  12. The Word.  And I didn't mention...

  13. chicken cuz we evolved form apes and the chicken evolved from dinosaurs or sum sort of bird =D

  14. Fredric Cohen (1959 AD- ) pointed out that, had the egg come first, there would have been no chicken (hen) to lay it, sit on it and keep it warm, so a live chick would never have hatched from it. So the egg needs a chicken. The question now is where did that first chicken come from?

    If only an egg that is laid by a chicken and that will hatch into a chicken can be considered a chicken egg: Then the first chicken came from a different type of egg (not a chicken egg) and laid the first chicken egg. In this case eggs (in general) came first, the chicken came after, and the chicken egg came last.

  15. that last little line just took away the lust to take you seriously, so I am afraid I am going to have to sage this.


  16. the egg.

    eggs come from reptiles,

    reptiles were around way before chickens.

    its not God, its evoloution.

    whether you think God has anything to do with that or not is down to your own belief.

  17. "i bet nobody can give me a real answer without mentioning God"- Challenge accepted....

    Reptiles layed eggs long before chickens existed... Over hundreds of millions of years, one branch of the species SLOWLY evolved to become more and more bird-like with each generation... Eventually this became the modern chicken.

    Answer: The egg came first, but it wasn't sticktly speaking a chicken egg.

    Your next question should logically be: "Which came first, the reptile or the egg?".... Then we end up in the sea with fishes laying eggs.. This could go on and on.

    Edit: I see you have added a point "it must also be a chicken egg"- Well... Think about it logically- These eventual changes will make the species more and more chickenlike.

    You must decide at which point it is "a chicken"- which generation is close enought to the modern chicken (note that chickens are still slowley changing even now).

    So you draw the line and say everything after this generation is "a modern chicken"- well the first one under the line you have drawn started off as an egg... hence the chicken egg came before the chicken.

    Something very similar to the chicken layed it, but by your definition, it wasn't quite a chicken.

  18. Dinosaurs laid eggs.

    So obviously eggs came first.

  19. This question has been done to death on this site. Why can't we have originality instead of following the same old track. If you really want an answer this is the best one I can give you. The chicken and egg question is supposed to be impossible to answer, the same as Zenos Paradox (what would happen if an irresistible force hit an immovable object), which is why a lot of people use it in conversation.

    But there is an answer. Chickens had to evolve from other creatures, but there will, and always has been an egg for the creature to grow out of. Even human beings start off as eggs of a sort. So the egg came first, and the (supposed) answer to Zenos paradox is that they stick together)

    There you are two answers for the price of one. (BOGOF)

  20. BOTH! lol

  21. I would say Egg. Because for it to be defined as a Chicken it would have to have all the genes and DNA that makes something a chicken. The first ever chicken would be the result of the genes of two chicken-like creatures (not quite definable as chickens) combining. And it is the egg which is the next stage after the combination of these genes, followed by the chicken.

    So I would say thats why the egg came first... in my opinion.

    And hey, all that without mentioning the G-man. Nice :D

  22. bla bla bla.  a pointless question.  it is irrelevant to anything.  who cares?  it boils down to word game.  it probably involves a false dilemma anyway.  it certainly involves endless literary controversy, the playground for sluggard minds.

  23. I say.... THE CHICKEN!!! IF it was the egg, it would of been boiled!! So the chicken!!!! Cause there awesome!!

  24. Where does this "god" thing come into it? Mother Nature created chickens, and eggs.

    This is hard to answer but here goes.

    If we could go back in time and observe chickens thoughout the ages, over tens of thousands of years they would look a little different from our chickens today, and if you could go back farther still they would be so radically different that you could classify them as something else, but each generation individually had no obvious differences from the last. Each came from an egg. Go back farther still through the generations and the chicken would have had scales, and been utterly flightless, laying leathery eggs - a reptile. Now which came first - the dinosaur or the egg?

    I am not sure why someone above equates evolution with atheism. An atheist may believe that life is NOT evolving and has always been and always will be as it is. Conversely, a Christian (or person of any other religion) may also accept evolution. Nothing is concrete.

  25. Haaaaa....





  26. chicken ;)

  27. Well no one can really answer this question because the chicken came out of the egg but the egg cameout of the chicken it's a riddle/question  that no one can really answer

  28. hahahha random question, thats a hard one too , i am not sure i guess the egg did

  29. logically the egg cant live without the chicken, and logically the chicken cant live without the hen, so what if neither? what if the chicken came with a hen, it's well known that a chicken's egg wont be a chick unless it was conceived by a hen,

    believe god created animals as human beings: in pairs

  30. I always thought it was the chicken, but now I think its the egg.

    If you go with the idea of evolution of species (i'm not an Atheist btw) then I think it is natural for a creature similar to the chicken to adapt to its environment and then lay the first egg which produces a chicken and passes on the adaptations to make it a chicken.

    That ^^ probabyl makes no sense, but hey, I didn't mention God. xx.

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