
What really happened on 9/11?

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What do yall think really happened on 9/11? people say it was bin laden...........people say it was americans.............people say it was even the government...........what is yalls opinion? Thank!!! doin a research paper!




  1. it was the nutjob muslims extremists , the American gov knew , but prob didn't think it would really happen .

  2. Video evidence leaves no doubt the towers were brought down demolition style. Also the debris of the plane over Pennsylvania being spread over 4 miles and Rumfeld's Freudian slip proves it did not crash but was shot down.


    EDIT: Please take a few minutes of you time. It does not point fingers, but the video asks questions! And you hear 1st hand accounts.

    1 hour 24 minutes long.

  4. The U.S. government paid bin Laden to admit to 9/11 on video. Now they're paying to keep him in hiding.

  5. bin laden has taken responsibility for the attacks (in taped speech), but the exact person(s) involved i doubt will ever be known for certain.

    the hijackers where following orders from someone.

    i dont see the u.s. gov. being involved as some have suggested in theorys.

  6. Theres no shortage of theories, thats for sure!  Check out google and youtube and will discover many conspiracy theories.  Most seem a little coo-coo to me.

  7. It was a small group of complete "rich kid" idiots from Saudi Arabia that wanted to leave a name for themselves and leave this world.  They accomplished both.

  8. We may never know or at least during my lifetime, sad isn't it......My heart pour out for all lost of life during this tragic period

  9. yalls < ? suicide terrorist. as for any other part of the whole threat was yet to be determind in detail as what information realy can be released and when

  10. I would not dignify this question with an answer.

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