
What really happens when you cant pay the bill at a restaurant?

by Guest58670  |  earlier

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ive heard stories ranging from the famous washing of dishes to back-room beatings. so i want to know, what really happens? anybody work at a restaurant? anyone ever been short on cash? some insight please.




  1. Happened Recently to me witha $80 bill and we onlyu had 30 cash. They only take check and cash and didn't do debit/credit so I was out of luck because my wallet was forgotten on the counter at home , I left them my drivers license so they knew I would come back and proof of who I was and  I came back to pay the next day. They would have been fine just jotting down my license number and address and phone number but I wanted to really assure them further  so I left my id. husband was driving so I didn't need my ID anyway.

  2. well i work at a restaurant and Ive personally never had anyone not pay but last week this guy had a table walk out and they were short like40 bucks... the manager just comped the rest(paid) but the server gets screwed because one they don't get a tip and two they still have to pay a percent of there sales to the restaurant which means they loose money in the end.... but as far as back room beatings i guess it depends on where you live but ive never heard of it and if you get caught then I'm guessing you just have to pay or I'm not sure what happens.

  3. i always assumed the cops would be called

  4. It depends on the restaurants policies, I've worked in restaurants where the managers will write you up and if it happens again with in a time frame you could lose your job. But mostly it is just 'comp-ed' and the restaurant basically eats it. But legally it is considered stealing and the cops could be called and you could get into trouble if there are charges pressed.

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