
What really pi**ed you off today?

by  |  earlier

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a hypocrite peed me off today hate hyps u?




  1. my boss telling me to forget the past (my old boss) when he tought me every thing i know! with out the past we have no futer

  2. you

  3. You sound like you got special needs !

  4. Not today, yesterday.  I needed to go to the bank but didn't want to wait for ages in a queue.  Anyway, got there and saw that there was only one person waiting and three tellers so ... great!  In I went.  The one person ahead of me stepped up to be served and ALL THREE tellers decided to help her out!!!  I ended up being late for work.  I was soooooooooooooooo pissed off.

  5. My boyfriend didnt call tonight!!!!!

  6. my boss asking me to do something that could cost my professional license.

  7. Hate hyps too. But i pi55ed myself off today. Lost my temper when I shouldn't have.....six people died. I'll never learn.

  8. Trying to work out how this question relates to special education!

  9. People asking stupid Questions like this one! lol


  10. some idiot asking an idiot question along the lines of,  my friend wants to rape a girl he's liked for the last 4 years, what shall i do?s should i call police? Blatantly a made up question and a big pile of 'oh i'm giving you advice like its really helpful but really darn obvious' nonsense.

    In a nutshell, people who make up incredibly insensitive questions coz they are bored, and people who cant see through them to deal with the real people who really need help but being less sensational.


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