
What really proves someone is a racist?

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I've been seeing allot of back and forth here.

Are you racist to be opposed to affirmative action? (which is a set of programs DESIGNED to separate us into color groups and give one group preference over another)

Are you a racist to think MLK shouldn't be admired as much as he currently is.... after all he wasn't the only person leading the civil rights movement.... he wasn't even the only one to die.

On the other hand... what if a person attended speeches where hate was encouraged on a regular basis... maybe attended klan rallies every week? What if they never actually did anything... just attended the rallies? Are they still a racist?




  1. A n'ig-ga or a Cracker  who call a republican: " froogle jew" is a racist person!

  2. If they have negative thoughts of people just because of their race.

  3. Racism is an attitude.  The attitude can stay within and be secret, or it can stay within and eventually pop out.  Racism generally, however, manifests itself in being biased to others.  True racism stems from hatred and is sometimes learned from adults or taught from early childhood.  The real truth is that we are all related through Adam and Eve.  If you really  could trace your roots back as far as time would allow, you would find that we are all sisters and brothers.  Therefore, racism is a farce.  God has made of one blood all nations of men.   Ask yourself-- in heaven will we have racism?  "What color is God?  Based on what I know and have read in Revelation, Chapter 1 and Daniel, Chapter 7, verse 9, The Ancient of Days has hair like wool, and his skin looks like brass.  (Revelation 1:14-17).    We must all learn to love everyone.  We are all in this world together and we need each other.  Hatred, bias, and unkindness is not of God.  Open up your heart and begin to love-- truly love-- and you will feel good and experience the joy of brother/sister hood.  -- Toni D.

  4. do what you feel is right and forget about what others think

  5. The definition of racism by the dictionary is the place to start:


    One entry found.


    Main Entry:

        rac·ism Listen to the pronunciation of racism


        \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\





    1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race

    2 : racial prejudice or discrimination

    — rac·ist Listen to the pronunciation of racist \-sist also -shist\ noun or adjective

    By this definition then most American blacks and all members of the Mexican Anti-Defamation League, Neo-n**i groups and the ACLU are all racists.

  6. Repeated intentional acts.   I beleive affirmative action is racist because it is used togive one ethnic group advantage over another.   It has used not only to discriminate against caucasians but minorities as well.  Inparticular Jews and Asians.  

    All men are prejudice.  What seperates a racist in my book is action.   all people are bias because they do not see  everything.   They are looking at things in a limited view.

  7. You are a racist if race is a consideration when making a judgement.

  8. No. I don't believe that you are racist if you are opposed to A.A.

    I am highly opposed to it in most cases. I believe that it is simply unfair. For example, take the Supreme Court case of 'Gratz v. Bollinger'.

    "The University of Michigan used a 150-point scale to rank applicants, with 100 points needed to guarantee admission. The University gave "underrepresented" ethnic groups, including African-Americans, Hispanics, and Native Americans, an automatic 20-point bonus on this scale, while a perfect SAT score was worth only 12 points."

    Two students, Jennifer Gratz and Patrick Hamacher, were both white teenagers. They were also both denied from Michigan University. They claimed inverse racism, and wanted equal protection and opportunities promised to them in the 14 Amendment.

    Long story short, the Supreme Court decided in favor of the two students (6-3). They agreed that this form of A.A. was unfair to the white applicants.

    I also don't think people should be called racist for not admiring MLK as much as other's do. Everyone i entitled to their own opinion.

    Finally, I do not think that anyone should be considered a racist unless they practice harmful speech or physically or mentally harm another. Otherwise, I don't think they are a threat to the other race, and should not be considered a racist.

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