
What really really pisses you off?

by  |  earlier

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its good to know what pisses people off.. come on have a moan you know you want to.

my pet hates are:

-the attention whores who post their height and weight on here knowing they'll come away with a BMI of like 15 or something ridiculous.

-kim ryder (god knows why she's probably a really nice person)

-egotisical know-it-all people who will inflict their 'knowledge' on other people.

ahh now doesnt that feel better.




  1. People using cell phones while driving on the interstate.  Or shall I say while trying to drive?

  2. Corporate America and the pukes that run it.


    And their commercials.....

  3. Beung one of those people who Know everything and like to share it with others I am suitably mortified.

  4. LOL

    You hit some big ones there.

    I'll just vent vicariously through you.

  5. People who place things long dead over the living.

    People who claim to 'love' their pets yet hold them prisoners so they do not get hurt.

    People who give immense sums of money and time to the poor of other countries while neglecting those on their very doorstep.

    To sum it up?  The abuse of human power.

  6. People who just pretend to be friendly with you, and then later they'll backstab you - I can't stand them!

    Even worse is when you have no intention of talking to them but they keep attacking you with their nosy questions :S

  7. Political correctness it prevents people from addressing problems we all know exist, but the PC police are afraid of hurting someones feelings.  The end result is the problem never gets fixed.

  8. Haters.

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