
What reason if any, is there to love?

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Big question, many answers, but I am asking more why I should love.

Simple background info

My parents left me when i was young

My grandparents took me, my grandma is very caring but to the point where her love for others lets her get taken avantage of, my grandpa dosn't show any feelings, I have never seen them hug or kiss, so I have little info on what "love" is, if anything its somthing that lets you be used by others.

Many people who promised " I will never leave" have left, and I understand why, I was highly messed up to them, but the simple point was I warned them before, I am a messed up person, do NOT say you won't leave if you don't mean it, just because I have huge abandenment problems because of my parents, but they all said it, and not a single one is around.

I want nothing more then to see everyone smile, I wish nothing more then for the world to be at peace, but because of how the world "really" is, I wish nothing more then to see everyone dead. Everytmie I hear about a rape or murder, I don't understand how I can be happy in this world, when there are so many people who suffer, what right do I have to smile, when people who are FAR better then me suffer everyday?

K, I have never cared about a single thing in this world, I was 100% apathetic, not a single feeling, this gave me a great gift, to use and become anyone I needed to, to gain whatever I needed to in life, I could take a person apart understand how they think, and then get them to pretty much whatever i wished, but this girl came around...she has changed my world, and because of her, i know what happyness is, but with this happyness comes alot of suffering. Before it was like, I never knew what true happyness was, untill her, and because of this now I feel I know the darkest h**l, being without her, and because of this I am lost. I want to trust her, but even if I see her talking to another guy, I get very upset, because ANY chance of losing her, even if its .00000001%, I can't take it. I always think she will **** me over, because everyone else in my life has, its the ONLY thinking I know, and the only world I have ever lived in.

After all this, I just want to know, how you ever loved somone to the point where you would do anything for them and NO MATTER WHAT THEY DID, I mean ANYTHING, you couldn't love them, and being without them would bring you more pain then anything they could do to you, if this is the case, why love?




  1. Love isn't reason, there is no logic. Love is the most intense pain you will ever experience. But real love, its worth everything. I met this guy, no lie i wanted to kill his ex in the worst way possible when i saw how bad she hurt him. He lives hours away by car, but i work my a** off to see him. I would do anything to see him happy. He hurt me real bad but i still love him. Love is about trust and forgiveness and understanding. He could do what ever he wanted, as long as he needs me I'll be there. I don't know why, but I know I will. You said you met this girl. If you love her enough to let her go, if she has any brains she'll never want to leave. Love isn't about being happy, it's about wanting the other person to be happy so much you're willing to sacrifice yourself. It's absolute delirium. I dont know why love does what it does, but we love because the alternative is nothing. Because its worth the few moments of bliss.

  2. You've had some bad experiences and obviously you are very insecure in your relationships. I cannot give you any advices since I am not qualified to do so. However, always remember the old adage, "If you love someone, let them go. If they come back to you, they're yours. If they don't, they never were". Also I would request you to please seek professional help. It does seem like you need it.

  3. Love, because it's the only thing that's real in the world. So, my advice would be to love everyone as much as you can. You shouldn't become paranoid about her or have your family influence you in a way that shuts you off from emotions. Stop having such a pessimistic viewpoint on love and emotions because you will never appreciate life living that way.  Just smile at someone or tell someone you love them, and see how happy it makes them feel, then maybe you can begin opening yourself up more and become a happier, more optimistic person.

  4. Natural phenomena, one should accept the life as it is.

    Also accept, each individual as (s)he is.

    God Bless You !

  5. The world is designed in such a way for different feelings .

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