
What reason why some of us was foolish enough to join the Marines? my reason was because i liked the dress....

by  |  earlier

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blue uniform. what were the rest of you all dumb reasons?




  1. I had a bit of a hard time trying to decipher your question.  Next time, when you are trying to put down the military, try to phrase a proper question.

  2. I wonder if there were people who joined just because of the commercials.

  3. Hey man, I think the Marine's uniform is s**y *u*

    I think Marines are very sharp and strong, and they're the ones that are putting their lives at risk more than any other people. They always go one step further, like if there's a marine and an army dude, marines make the army soldiers look like ****.

    I've always wanted to join the Marines, I mean, isn't the main reason that people joined was to get some action, get physically fit, and to serve their country? Of course, most marine vets are somewhat mentally ill when they come back...sadly. War can be disturbing :(

  4. The Army.  To travel and Kill.  Little did I know I'd work 14 hour days at Fort Bragg.

  5. My dumb reason?  Wow.  I just got dumped by the first "Love of my Life", I just wrecked my car and lost my job. I just finished throwing away 2 years of college because I was spending all my time with my ex and my friends and just not hitting the books and studying and doing what was expected of me.  

    Then one day (a couple of weeks after I dropped out of college), an old friend comes walking in to my friend's apartment in his dress blues, just out of MCT and headed to MOS school in a couple of weeks and *bang*, I thought "Well, what the h**l.  This looks like some good sh*t to do for 4 years or so!"

    I was at the Recruiter's office the following Monday, I had sometimes thought about being a Marine Officer when I was a teenager off and on, but without the college I and being ignorant of ROTC and other programs I figured: Why not enlist?  It's the same 'Corps, all that "Honor, Courage, Commitment" stuff that I love.  I sold myself on the idea that it was a "Big 'Corps of Brothers" and it would be the best experience ever.  

    I shipped out 9 weeks later to MCRD Parris Island.

    Well, I was wrong about it being all perfect and rosy and the like, but it still turned out to be a great experience.  It helped me develop a sense of discipline, self-confidence, and determination that I have to this day and for that I am always grateful to the Marine Corps.

    Semper Fidelis!

  6. Maybe to get a USMC sticker for your car and to say Semper Fi?  Those are stupid reasons. There are pleanty of smart reasons to join too. You are the tip of the spear, you go into conflict with better control of a situation, with better training, and are in areas mostly without the help of other military branches. Special forces is pretty awesome to.

  7. Wanted to be bad. I ran away from the Marines so I was bad.

  8. to kill?

  9. I joined the Navy and nobody told me that all the Marine medical corpsmen were Navy. So I spent all my time in the Vietnam war as a Marine

  10. They made me pay for the blues jacket. 280$ out of my 400$ every 2 weeks! You got kicked out, that's why you said "foolish". I didn't have any dumb reasons. I wanted to travel to exotic places, meet foriegn people, and kill them. Good times!

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